Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] they [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Trees were bursting into leaf and birds singing as they wandered along the banks of the river , their arms entwined round each other .
2 As long ago as 1893 , I.S. Leadam demonstrated that they did in fact enjoy the protection of the courts .
3 With the tension reaching boiling point , it was finally announced that the French officials had allowed the result to stand and they had to be applauded for a sporting decision .
4 ‘ At least you 're honest enough to want to end one affair before starting another — ’ He broke off abruptly , his eyes narrowing as they rested on her tense face .
5 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
6 The three heads nodded and they went on their way .
7 Her breathing quickened , her eyes dilating as they stared into his .
8 It was , he noticed , distinctly less warm than it had been , with an east wind blowing as they turned into the Parade .
9 Bertha 's eyes widened as they turned to him .
10 I do n't know what the guards thought when they looked through the closed-circuit television that was always trained on us here and saw three men , heads motionless , looking down fixedly at some spot on the ground , making curious , swinging arm movements .
11 She was a wild , tempestuous gypsy as their legs entwined and they rolled across the bed , first one on top , then the other , their open mouths meeting rapaciously .
12 Search consultants are often called in when an organisation is considering going into a new business sector , as Marks & Spencer did when they went into financial services with their credit card ; as when BP were trying to diversify their business and spot winners by developing new technology ; as financial services institutions do when they wish to launch a new product or enter new markets .
13 ‘ Of course Mikey waited until they went to sleep then got underneath and dug it up , ’ chortles a chap in a Hot Tuna sweatshirt .
14 ‘ I 'm going back this afternoon , ’ Ellen said as they stood at the bar , watched by every eye in the place .
15 ‘ Funny mood they 're in ’ Delia Sutherland said as they drove towards Home Dairy .
16 The little girl had intensely blue eyes like her own , and a covering of golden down on her head which set Sarah 's lips tingling when they brushed over it .
17 ‘ I had no idea it was so beautiful around here , ’ Lisa murmured as they paused for a moment on a promontory to admire the view that stretched out before them .
18 Fenella asked as they stole through the quiet Palace .
19 Ruth asked as they strolled through the formal gardens towards a flight of stone steps that led up to a forest of dense green pine trees offering shade and coolness .
20 Three additional parents reported that they worked on contract at nuclear sites and had been monitored for exposure to radiation before their child was diagnosed ( one father of a case , after conception ; one father of a control , before conception ; one mother of a control , before conception ) .
21 Well what did folk do when they got to then ?
22 ‘ Take that fork , ’ Ruth directed and they bumped into the private road flanked by an orderly regiment of cypresses that led to the Casa .
23 from the Conservatives saying that they believed in nursery education .
24 The girl blushed like they used to in my day ’ .
25 ‘ Whilst recognising that staff in other parts of AEA would undoubtedly be more concerned , he and his colleagues in the UK and overseas subsidiaries knew that they had to ‘ Keep their eye on the ball , push ahead with product development , sell hard and achieve their demanding targets for growth . ’
26 He did n't approve of singers drinking before they went on stage , but he could see that Ingrid was in a very bad way .
27 ‘ Thank God , it 's stopped raining , ’ Maggie said as they stepped onto the pavement .
28 ‘ There 's something wrong with this house , ’ Hugh said when they sat at their muted dinner .
29 Hoarse cries busied the air , and Riven heard the gulls screaming as they fought for odd fish on the quay and whirled round the masts of the ships , speckling the docks with guano .
30 ‘ Remarkably well under the circumstances , ’ Kolchinsky replied as they walked to the lift .
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