Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] with " in BNC.

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1 does n't it come back to the issue of wh who they trustees are and who 's interest , given that trustees are expected to be independent , in the end , who 's interests do the trustees represent , because I 've had experience of working with a pension fund that was in massive surplus and the actualar actuaries refused to agree their final report until that surplus was dealt with , so that the trade unions and the employer through the trustees had to negotiate a way of spending that surplus and er given the pressures of the actuaries to say we were not allowed th the funds to continue unless you deal with this surplus , then it comes back to the issue of how the Board of Trustees is made up and if we accept that there is a degree of representation on that Board , then just exactly how that representation is divided .
2 But in the future a diverse ecology will only be able to coexist with an efficient agriculture within the context of a planned land-use strategy , and such an attempt to resolve the various and conflicting demands on the countryside can not be successful without farmers surrendering at least some of their freedom of action to do as they wish with their own land .
3 Present guidelines advise that you stick with breast or formula milk until at least six months , although some nutritionists feel that , because cow 's milk is low in iron and vitamin D , it should n't be given to babies under a year .
4 And only if certain conditions are met , I would argue or as Richard Newstat argued and I agree with him so he must be right , erm the first is that in this decision the president 's involvement was unambiguous unambiguous , there was no question about it that here you had the president directly , personally involved in a one to one communication .
5 ’ — Custom dictates that we deal with one another like friends , ’ Jotan said , but did not smile .
6 Stu Grimson , 6ft 5 1/2ins and 220lbs , provides the steel for Chicago Blackhawks when they clash with Montreal Canadiens in a ‘ war on ice ’ for a £20,000 prize and the Molson Challenge Cup .
7 It is by no means clear how farmers would react to any system which threatened to control their freedom to do as they please with their own land .
8 If the buyer , takes delivery and , after having a reasonable opportunity to examine the goods to see if they comply with the contract , he does some act inconsistent with the seller being the owner of them ( e.g. by selling them ) .
9 Their Technical and Mathematical concepts begin as they wrestle with the problem of size and shape at the woodwork and glueing tables .
10 He states in his letter to the Russians : ‘ On behalf of the Scottish fish processors may I say that we have appreciated the trading link that we have with you and we would hope that this will continue .
11 started as a receptionist , works now on film business and keeps fit through gymnastics ; 's is the first voice fibre customers hear when they ring with a query .
12 It is the responsibility of all passengers to ensure that they comply with all immigration requirements for the country(ies) to be visited .
13 Critics suggest the wage bill element is excessive ; the church authorities argue that they work with people through people .
14 The formal approach requires that we start with a study of binary relations .
15 But whatever you eventually discover about your sexuality , your love for your daughter demands that you deal with her father sensitively .
16 It is not the father 's wish or intention to seek the care of the children provided that they live with the mother in Australia .
17 A method for identifying and assessing the tasks which humans perform when they interact with a system .
18 From 30 June this year , all publicly listed companies will have to include a statement in their annual reports indicating that they comply with the Cadbury code of best practice ( see p 94 ) , or giving reasons for areas of non-compliance .
19 And the county council feels that it has adequately addressed the needs of the districts within the county , erm obviously that 's up to the panel to determine whether you agree with that , and we believe that the strategic framework is capable of addressing any changing needs or circumstances without recourse to a policy which we feel would reduce the clarity of the structure plan .
20 The Direction also oversees and assists the so-called classes and controlés museums , that is the 1200 or so provincial museums either directly linked into the Ministry through their director or supervised in order to ensure that they comply with certain requirements ( see chart ) .
21 In addition , these authorities license airports to ensure that they comply with their national interpretation of ICAO standards , and they also issue certificates of airworthiness for types of aircraft and in respect of each individual aircraft on their register , besides monitoring aircraft design and manufacturing standards .
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