Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] [noun] [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Paul Newman and Robert Redford might now be right for the roles of a pair of outlaws on their last legs who flee to Bolivia to find that civilisation and its increased firepower are after them there as well , but in 1968 they were more an emblem of defiant youth and , rather than be riddled with bullets , they go out with a freeze-to-sepia and some plunky Burt Bacharach music .
2 Ken Gillance , defending , said the burglaries occurred when James and his girlfriend were in debt and James had nowhere to live .
3 A striking example of the area 's isolation occurred when Yakovlev and his thirteen men arrived at the end of their horse-ride in the village of Nikol'sk .
4 Like Clark , her argument is an all-or-nothing affair : either animals hope and fear or they do not .
5 When Nigel came back he lay down on his stomach and held out a big stick which the Mayor clutched and Otley and I pushed him from the back until we got him out none the worse for his adventure .
6 Angalo said that turnips or something were stored up there , and there may be some potatoes .
7 The complaints of radical Kadets that Miliukov and his colleagues were going too far towards compromise with the regime were matched by the regret of right-wing Kadets such as Maklakov and Struve at the party 's failure to grasp the offers made by Witte and Stolypin of representation in the cabinet .
8 The judge agreed and F and his two brothers changed places in the dock .
9 It rattled the window frames as Nellie and her daughter sat talking .
10 Inevitably the first two months of 1951–52 promised little or no improvement and the directors decided that Dawes and his colleague would have to go .
11 In 1482 the duchy council complained that Gloucester and his subordinates were wasting the assets of the duchy .
12 In 1482 the duchy council complained that Gloucester and his subordinates were wasting the assets of the duchy .
13 I 've spent more than 15 years singing and touring and I still enjoy it but it 's important to keep your body in good condition when you 're on the road .
14 It needed no great powers of prophecy to realize that Nigel and I were on a collision course .
15 The drama began as Joe and his girlfriend Claire Gallagher , 19 , headed for a night out in the West End on Friday .
16 It 's fairly knocked about but has vintage feel and character and I hope I ripped him off .
17 All that is known of medieval warfare suggests that Lothar and his men would not have been sleeping after dawn — least of all when they knew that battle was imminent — and that Lothar 's scouts would have kept him well informed of his brothers ' moves .
18 He knew , as well , that Tree Spirits cling tenaciously to their homes until those homes become untenable because of the Tree dying and drying and he thought that Miach 's spell must have been stronger than any of them had thought for it to draw the Spirits so filly and so firmly into the open .
19 Proper stewardship of resources demands that churches and their contents be insured against damage .
20 She is the heroic Goddess who destroys all evil powers embodied as demons and She is the Goddess of victory .
21 They had devoted the resources to research and development and they wanted a sensible return on that investment .
22 The prosecution admitted that Gbagbo and his coaccused had not themselves committed any crimes , but argued that they were responsible for the violence committed that day .
23 Screen clinches : people assume that Craig and I are having an affair .
24 I mean if you 're doing things like er you 're working with X or something , erm and you want to know does Well so say you 're working with X times and Y and you want to know
25 ‘ It 's weird how people think that Craig and I are together — they assume we must be going out or having an affair , ’ says Jo .
26 You should be able to feel your ribcage expand and contract but there should be as little movement as possible in your chest .
27 Grievances against the federal Government of the republic of India go back to the time of independence , when many Sikhs felt that Nehru and his Congress party reneged on solemn undertakings .
28 And it was apparently during that hospital visit that Ross and his brother had had a long serious talk about what would be best for the children .
29 Inevitably , the requirements both of compromise and of secrecy meant that Citrine and his colleagues at the top backed the obscurantism of the majority of the chairmen against Melling .
30 Your talk would be part of a morning session which would also include a presentation about bus stops and shelters and one about bus stations and termini ; the latter would be followed by a visit to Glenrothes Bus Station .
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