Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Albert as chairman asked me a number of questions to which he already knew the answers for the good reason that we had already gone over them in Fulham .
2 She came downstairs , she slopped all the way through to the kitchen made herself a cup of tea and sat
3 If his fragile skills made him a figure of immense vulnerability on the pitch , then off the pitch , in the press and in the corridors of football power , Jinky was hacked to bits and fullbacks were rarely to blame .
4 Its lushness and tropical variety made it a place of great beauty with winding roads and hair-pin bends giving spectacular views over the jungle .
5 Cos I did n't know what you know our mum got her a couple of games .
6 Geoff 's mum got me a piece of cheese last week from Superkeys .
7 Nicoll appointed him a fellow of the Shakespeare Institute in 1953 .
8 To do that , on May 18th the prime minister , Leonid Kuchma , asked parliament to grant him a range of extraordinary powers : to rule the economy by decree , control the central bank and the state privatisation body and have jurisdiction over the president 's satraps in the regions .
9 Colin phoned him up , and er , it it he mentioned , how he was starting up , and he said he might be interested , anyway Colin phoned him a couple of weeks ago to see if he was still interested in .
10 ‘ It is the agency 's responsibility to find you the type of work you have indicated that you are interested in .
11 Jean make us a cup of tea love .
12 Rebecca made me a cup of coffee ages ago
13 Arnold was of Tom Arnold 's circus , and his post as the vice-chairman of the party in charge of candidates made him a target of all those who were eager to stand for Parliament .
14 'Mill Reserves made it a weekend of double celebration for Shottermill Football Club by clinching runners-up spot , thus ensuring promotion to division two .
15 Hepzibah had cooked a cake with white icing and twelve candles and Mister Johnny made her a crown of wild flowers to put on her head .
16 I went with Kathleen to see it a couple of days later .
17 Edward made himself a cup of tea and vanished to the Britches , where he stayed late into the dusk .
18 It is an attempt to meet what the Secretary of State for Wales described as the widow factor .
19 I took Sir Ralph to the top of the stairs into the North Bastion tower but the passageway was so narrow Colebrooke helped him the rest of the way . ’
20 Every attempt to establish what the referent of a sign is forces us to define the referent in terms of an abstract entity which moreover is only a cultural convention .
21 But McGrath , who has had eight operations on his knees , revealed this could be his swansong , saying : ‘ I will decide at the end of the season , but I 'd rather quit at the top than drop down to a lower level , and the knees cause me a lot of pain .
22 By 1920 , there could be a pause for breath , an attempt to remember what the meaning of the revolution was supposed to be .
23 Icke was the party 's national spokesman 17 months ago when he donned a turquoise tracksuit to announce himself the son of God on a mission to save the world .
24 It is ironic that by privileging sexual difference Scruton shows himself the victim of precisely the modern intensification of sexuality which in other ways he might regard as contributing to a legitimation of the perversions he repudiates .
25 mummy give you a drop of it I think ,
26 Charlie 's hearing was fully restored a week later and a smile appeared on his lips for the first time when he saw Grace standing by his side pouring him a cup of tea .
27 We sat down and Dr Jaffery handed us a plate of dates : traditionally the delicacy with which Muslims break the Ramadan fast .
28 Sumptuous public rooms , marble floors and rugs give it a style of its own , and the restaurant opens onto a splendid waterfront terrace .
29 The faint glow from a street light showed him the outline of a hedge , neat flower beds , a black oblong of lawn .
30 Tennis rackets give you a lot of power but the most power you get from the body .
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