Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's not been easy for the chairman and his board seeing us stuck on the bottom of the table , ’ said Clough .
2 However , as Akiskal has no data to enable him to elaborate on the processes involved or the interaction of the contributing factors , his model does not yet have any practical value .
3 She was seen by neighbours as she made her way along Athelstane Road towards her home , minutes before passers-by found her lying on the pavement .
4 He forgave her , and then a week later he and Keeley came home from the Beaux Arts Club to find her sitting on the basement steps , smiling nice as pie .
5 According to General Accident , about 50,000 drivers find themselves stranded on the autobahn every year .
6 She marked the paths of birds and insects , pointed to the homes of lizards and carried a fishing line which she would occasionally cast , watching for the rough bobbin to lurch , winding in a small , flat saafi fish which danced on the hook until she released it and tossed it back .
7 What light does it throw on the extent of public information about parties and programmes , and on the nature of public support for parties ?
8 Keegan knew his side would face Barnsley 's stifling three-man central-defensive formation , yet the attempts to counter it bordered on the banal .
9 Akehurst 's passion for the subject of international law led him to embark on the writing of what became a standard student textbook , A Modern Introduction to International Law .
10 Ruth found herself crouching on the floor , almost fainting ; wondering how she could ever have thought before that Fincara was casting spells .
11 David Nicholson says he lived on the end of the racecourse for 22 years and his father lived there longer than that … for him Cheltenham is the best three days racing anywhere in the world and he loves it
12 In the first premonition , Mr Reynolds saw himself standing on the footplate of No 43106 leaving Bridgnorth , smoke-box first , with some covered wagons heading for Bewdley .
13 And what influence did they have on the Walsall Football Club ?
14 To get total communication how much relevance do you put on the message ?
15 to your Council did I knock on the door and say standing for the Liberal Democrats , they said well we 're not sure it 's the way we are going to vote for you , we may vote for somebody else .
16 That 's why there was such a mad panic to get it done on the Sunday the last day before So why are the mattresses back there getting bloody damp ?
17 A friend of mine realized how much cellulite she had when her little girl spotted her sitting on the loo , bare flesh displayed .
18 The question most often asked by those who have heard an explanation of the mechanics of how parliamentary scrutiny works is what influence does it have on the final result — the directive or regulation which becomes Community law .
19 The wedding between the two young gipsies was a moving ceremony , although Christian 's lengthy sermon had everyone fidgeting on the hard bench seats before it was ended .
20 Ginny left him brooding on the past in front of a game show on television .
21 To start off Changez 's career in the grocery business , Anwar instructed him to work on the till , where you could get by with only one arm and half a brain .
22 ‘ Anyway , ’ said Lydia , ‘ what about that steak-and-kidney pud you had on the way here ? ’
23 Reading the article in this issue on Remembrance led me to reflect on the statement in our Royal Charter which says that one of the objects of the Association is to :
24 As he wrote years later in his long unpublished memoirs , ‘ hazard or Providence made me knock on the door of the Hôtel Terminus of the Gare du Nord . ’
25 I can not resist the admission that I was profoundly flattered when a telephone call from Harold Wilson at Downing Street invited me to mediate on the basis that , so far as they could see , I was for the moment the only tolerable candidate .
26 Use card off-cuts made into two L-shaped pieces to help you decide on the picture area .
27 The catch is that the Department of Energy has had to offer financial terms for the SSEB and the CEGB to persuade them to take on the responsibility .
28 Folk live on those boats like they do on the Seine , it 's the artist 's life they 're leading there .
29 Fifteen Para , which has its headquarters in my constituency , was being marched to oblivion until public opinion brought itself to bear on the Ministry , and I am grateful that it has taken a step backwards , but we still do not know what size that step is .
30 Some ideas are as follows : the first team to have everyone sat on the floor , first team to have everyone standing on one leg .
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