Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] over the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the huge capital exports by US business provided a ‘ justification ’ for the United States running a current account surplus and were used as such during the Smithsonian discussions over the size of adjustment of the exchange rate .
2 The government has been obsessed with secrecy as is indicated by the prosecution of Clive Ponting and Sarah Tisdall over the disclosure of material covered by the Official Secrets Act and by their efforts to prevent the publication of Spycatcher by Peter Wright .
3 The Investigation Committee also has a general monitoring function over the handling of complaints by the SCB .
4 A better memorial to him is the statue of Cardinal Wolsey over the gate to Christ Church College , Oxford , which he caused to be erected and underneath which he is named in a Latin inscription .
5 A ROW has broken out between two Darlington General Election candidates over the number of under-fives in nurseries .
6 Wielding the gavel in front of 1,500 people in sweltering heat under a tent on a village football pitch , Paris auctioneer Jacques Tajan sold off the entire contents of the château of antique dealer Bernard Steinitz over the weekend of 29-31 May for FFr 20,049,290 ( £2,045,845 ; $3,682,522 ) .
7 Install one of these and you can send computer data over the line without a modem ; voice traffic will have to be converted to digital form by special phone or exchange equipment .
8 She turned to the end of the document and saw a signature S. KETTERING over the address of the villa , LA FELICITÀ , MONDANO-IN-CHIANTI , SIENA , ITALY .
9 Rosa , who is poorest of all , lives in the gypsy camp over the slope at the far end of the valley .
10 Many punk bands extended this antagonism to all established rock musicians over the age of twenty-five .
11 Christopher Boyle and Darren Mills had struck a deal with David Hawthorne over the sale of t-shirts .
12 SDLP leader John Hume has clashed with Unionist MP David Trimble over the impact of his continuing talks with Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams .
13 The growth of retirement and , more recently , early retirement has ensured that an increasing proportion of older people have been excluded from the labour force over the course of this century .
14 Excitement mounted ; the hills we got to know so well ; on the left Heathmynd , then Rhadley and Linley Hill ; and then on the right the dramatic landmark of the Beech Avenue curling over the top of Norbury .
15 For Green , the flexibility of the proposal allowed for the meeting of local demand by either or both organisations , it encouraged further co-operative endeavour between them and facilitated the WEA role over the establishment of a county federation of students as an organisational framework to help overcome the perennial difficulty of isolated university extension centres .
16 The conservatory was still empty , the lamps burning low , the moon casting long silver shadows over the terrace beyond the wide patio doors .
17 he 's being a zombie , so he 's coming downstairs with two sleeping bags over the top of his head and knocking everything over , just look at it
18 The collapse of Israel 's fragile coalition government over the issue of ministerial contacts with the PLO was narrowly averted in early January .
19 Any surpluses or deficits in the pension schemes identified by periodic actuarial valuations are taken to the profit and loss account over the remainder of the expected service lives of current employees .
20 The capital element of future rentals is treated as a liability and the interest element is charged to profit and loss account over the period of the leases in proportion to the balances outstanding .
21 The requirement of the [ draft ] FRS that issue costs are reflected in the amounts charged to the profit and loss account over the term of a capital instrument is not intended to prohibit the subsequent charging of issue costs to the share premium account by means of a transfer between reserves .
22 However , electtoral support for the ex-communists was perceived as a reaction to falling living standards over the period of the Solidarity-led government .
23 I prefer to kill rabbits the easy way whenever possible , so I position a purse net over the top of every bolt-hole and every entrance , subsequently making sure that every purse net that bags a rabbit is quickly removed and replaced with a fresh net .
24 If K is the equilibrium constant for that reaction then we can actually redefine our terms such that the concentration of hydrogen ions will be K multiplied by the concentration of hydrogen bicarbonate ions over the concentration of bicarbonate ions .
25 Royal Bank of Scotland has decided from 1 October 1991 , and in line with market practice and the Association of British Insurers ' SORP , to defer acquisition expenses relating to new and renewed motor and household policies over the period during which the premiums are earned , generally 12 months .
26 TALKS are to be held between a cricket club and a rugby club over the future of a top sporting venue .
27 Low income families would be compensated by doubling the value of child benefit over the life of a parliament .
28 It is suggested that the revenue from fiscal drag , which currently goes in financing the inflation-proofing of personal tax allowances , and which under these proposals would no longer exist , should be used to finance the doubling of child benefit over the life of a parliament .
29 The conference approved the Economic Equality policy review which proposes : Ending tax on childcare ; Introducing a minimum wage starting at half of average male earnings ( £2.80 an hour ) , rising to two-thirds the average ; Income tax levels of no higher than 50 per cent at the top , down to less than 20 per cent at the bottom ; ‘ A significant and generous increase in child benefit over the lifetime of the Parliament ’ ; To tax gifts and inheritance at the point of receipt ; To crack down on tax loopholes ; Raise pensions immediately by £5 for single people and £8 for couples ; To introduce a new disability benefit ; To simplify income support rules ; To keep mortgage interest tax relief ‘ at a single rate equivalent to the basic rate relief which we inherit ’ .
30 ‘ ONE member , one vote , ’ demanded John Smith when he was elected to be Labour 's leader , wanting to end trade-union influence over the choice of Labour 's parliamentary candidates .
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