Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] to [noun sg] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At 20°C , the cyclic AMP response to histamine was much more sustained , with little variation in the cyclic AMP content between one and 15 minutes after the addition of 0.5 mmol/l histamine ( Fig 2A ) .
2 The intermittency route to chaos was also inferred , with pure xenon in the laser tube , from a sequence in which a single frequency ( with its harmonics ) progressively broadened on increasing the discharge current , just as one would expect for increasingly frequent bursts of noise against a background of steady oscillation .
3 Although throughout Marx 's and Engels 's work reference to property is so extensive that it is impossible to take them all into account , a general pattern emerges .
4 Unacceptable standards of behaviour and attainment at Tyndale did not mean that all schools following an enquiry or discovery approach to learning were similarly failing .
5 He has pointed out that platelet aggregates grow very rapidly and , although platelet adhesion to collagen is almost instantaneous , there is a lag period ( several seconds ) before aggregation proceeds ( Wilner et al , 1969 ) .
6 At the same Council meeting amendments to motion were formally moved by Councillor and ex-Councillor respectively , and seconded and were also submitted to the Committee .
7 I decided to study linguistics at M.I.T. Although I learned a great deal , particularly regarding rigorous methods in linguistics , I must confess that the M.I.T. approach to linguistics was too narrow for my taste , and I found the hothouse atmosphere there somewhat uncomfortable .
8 However , if the future purchaser were willing to buy shares , it would be preferable that he buy shares in Newco from management ( with Newco having acquired the business from Target ) than that he buys Target from Newco , because the additional tax cost to management is then avoided ( as illustrated in 5.2.2 above ) .
9 Marryat 's common-sense attitude to life was certainly not insensitive .
10 Although the number of ‘ high-bay ’ systems constructed in the United Kingdom to date is relatively few the companies who have made this kind of investment have done so because they have clearly recognised the advantages which such systems offer .
11 In 1980 , UK bank-lending to industry was only around 22% of GDP , whereas in France the figure was 30% , in West Germany almost 34% and in Japan around 51% .
12 Asian children performed just as well as other children in the six local education authorities but their admission rate to university was almost half of the corresponding figure for school leavers in all the state schools in England .
13 The drive from Alison McLean 's Didcot home to work is relatively short , but it brings back terrifying memories .
14 While evidence that social support in some way short-circuits the illness response to stress is now considerable , the nature of the support and the way in which it provides its effect remain matters for dispute .
15 Communication line to LIFESPAN is ALREADY CONNECTED
16 A new edition of the SCOTVEC Guide to assessment is currently under preparation .
17 Instead , kids compare the stats on dogs like Scion , whose total seizure value to date is over $91 million , or Sinbad , who once turned over a camper van on the Mexican border and sniffed out 400 pounds of cocaine .
18 Practical advice for parents is outlined but there is a high treatment failure rate : the therapeutic relationship may be very important in gaining full co-operation from the parents and a family approach to treatment is often indicated .
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