Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] in one [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This curiosity , as much as the prospect of a week 's field research in one of the wildest and loveliest parts of France , had helped to make up her mind .
2 This is an exciting career opportunity for the appointed person to join an established , successful research institute in one of the UK 's leading Biology Departments .
3 He beat Boris Becker , the defending champion and a player who had appeared to be relaxed and in comfortable form , and then he beat Emilio Sanchez in one of the most outstanding matches in recent history .
4 Despite the linguistic anomaly that the season called ‘ the time of inundation ’ would in due course fall in one of the other seasons , the Egyptians retained the 365-day calendar right down to the Roman period because of its convenience as an automatic record of the passage of time in an era , each year containing the same number of days , unlike our years .
5 Yeah numbers twenty five , twenty six of the junction of Torquay Road is for sale with a building plot in one of the gardens , the premises being used for many years as doctor 's surgery ancillary accommodation and car parking , the property will be available when the doctors move into the new practice home in joining Cricket Field Road car park
6 Amidst all this evidence of the effects of unlimited destructive powers unleashed , there were small pockets in which some remarkable things survived — delicate china cups , corked bottles of water , still drinkable , little packets of starch in which the granules were untouched ; even a street fountain still splashed cold drinking water in one of the ruined streets .
7 He found a heavy flour sack in one of the outhouses and placed the battered leather bag carefully in it .
8 It was hoped to get accommodation for a new Chaplaincy base in one of the vacated areas once the new building was completed .
9 A Bible translator in one of the Andean republics recounted the following story to the author .
10 About 1956 or 1957 she got an evening job in one of the espresso bars opening along the High Road , making sandwiches and frying eggs .
11 He gradually built himself up to a third championship in 1984 , when he emerged champion by just half a point from his McLaren team-mate Alain Prost in one of the sport 's closest battles .
12 When she saw a curtain move in one of the palace windows , she believed it was a signal of love from the King .
13 ‘ I BOUGHT a bourgeois house in the Hollywood Hills , ’ sings Bruce Springsteen in one of the rare light-hearted moments of his two simultaneously released new LPs , ‘ with a trunkload of hundred thousand dollar bills . ’
14 ‘ You did say , in Vienna , ’ Gesner reminded him , ‘ that you would be prepared to let Ingrid have a lead role in one of the productions .
15 The ship had slowed its speed as passengers gradually began to drift away from the reception to enjoy their evening meal in one of the several top class restaurants .
16 Roy Hudd , the comic and broadcaster , recalls being with 2,000 campers in the South Seas Coffee-bar in one of the camps , coping with flooding .
17 This comparative analysis is assisted by the fact that although their individual biographies are different , both are motivated by a similar ambition — they wish to secure a position of deputy headteacher in one of the city 's comprehensive schools .
19 Volleyball , tennis and table tennis are on hand for the more energetic , or how about a game of water polo in one of the Tuscan 's fabulous swimming pools .
20 The two former East Germans were the butt of jokes when they entered the tiny 594cc car in one of the toughest tests for both man and machine .
21 If she wanted , she could do a little daytime television work in one of the London studios .
22 Fabia 's heart was beating hastily beneath her ribs as she observed from the dog lead in one of the man 's hands that he either had just taken the animal for a walk or was just about to .
23 STERN measures are to be taken to curb traffic problems in one of the most congested towns in Cleveland .
24 A summary table in one of the appendices to the White Paper does show past overall spending department by department , deflated by an average price index the GDP deflator .
25 A horse died of a heart attack in one of the races at the Cheltenham meeting .
26 ‘ I was with a band called Muscles until 1978 , ’ he explains , ‘ and while we were on tour in Madrid I noticed the effect of hanging pictures from a brass rail in one of the hotels we stayed in .
27 Crystal clear speech accompanies the swish graphics and 3D spacecraft in one of the best intros I 've seen to date .
28 It flirted three teasing words , no more in a book review in one of the posh papers and before it could be embraced , was gone .
29 My son started a youth club in one of the common rooms and we as residents we got together we really enjoyed ourselves in our way , you know ?
30 However , he was found fit to plead , found guilty and detained under an order of the Mental Health Act in one of the Special Hospitals which provide care and treatment in conditions of close security .
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