Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] within the [num ord] [num] " in BNC.

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1 A majority of airlines ( 18 out of 23 ) stated that they had not changed their accounting policies within the last three years , although one executive suggested they were not adequately disclosing such changes in their financial statements .
2 Activities that might lead to the objective of promotion to head of a department might be , ‘ enrol on a management course ’ , ‘ achieve at least four research publications within the next two years ’ , ‘ join two committees and get involved with service planning ’ .
3 The doctor in charge , the hospital managers or the nearest relative may discharge the patient , who has a right to apply to the Mental Health Review Tribunal within the first fourteen days of detention .
4 Bush said that Iraq should designate military commanders to meet their coalition counterparts within the next 48 hours to arrange for the military aspects of the ceasefire .
5 This is a growth area , and it will need specialist advice within the next five years .
6 Or we could comply with the 30 October 1993 rule but amend the accounting reference date within the first nine months of incorporation , as we may , and draw up accounts to 31 October 1993 , which is within the seven day period allowed by s 223(2) .
7 In reply to the enquiry asking if there was any order , draft order or scheme for the construction of a new trunk road or special road or any proposals for the alteration or improvement of an existing road involving the construction , whether or not within existing highway limits within 200 metres of the property or construction of a new road or alteration or improvement of an existing road the Council stated no but the County Council intend to improve the Dane Street/Station Road within the next 10 years .
8 I understand Ratcliffe will meet the Cambridge board within the next 10 days to discuss the job of player-manager .
9 Gazza will make his debut in Italian soccer for his new team Lazio within the next eight days , and is raring to go for club and country .
10 Telefonica de Espana SA , with stakes in Chile 's leading telecommunications firms , must discard either its 43.6% stake in Compania de Telefonos CTC or its 20% stake in Entel SA within the next 18 months , the Supreme Court ruled .
11 To anyone who has been driving on the planet earth within the last 75 years , they are just the same .
12 The contract allows for a change in kit design within the next five years .
13 Their rapidity of evolution is well known : dozens of species have evolved in African fresh water lakes within the last million years .
14 Apparently , however , the European Commission is planning a rabies eradication campaign within the next 4 years ; a new vaccine for animals , it is hoped , will enable rabies to be eradicated in Europe ( International News , 1988 ) .
15 I understand that the Minister is planning to visit Raleigh Industries within the next 10 days .
16 It was reported on July 18 that the National Parliament had finally passed a bill extending the period within which a new government was immune from votes of no-confidence ; the amendment , due to come into effect after the general election due in 1992 , would prevent no-confidence motions within the first 18 months of a government 's new term .
17 Despite the setback , Lacalle announced his intention to continue with the privatization programme within the next two years .
18 JOHN Major today kept the door open for a possible Cabinet reshuffle within the next ten days as Chancellor Norman Lamont 's Cabinet post looked more vulnerable by the hour .
19 Repayments of insurance policies within the first four years of the policy 's life ;
20 He would of course require a pastoral call even if he did not — and his car did not bode well — look like the kind of man Peter might hope for , as a breath of fresh air on the PCC ; as a possible churchwarden in place of old Sir Francis Mayhew who said he 'd done fifteen years which was more than enough ; or even as a parishioner willing to raise the £25,000 that the diocesan architect had said would have to be spent on Loxford church roof within the next three years .
21 It was actually plagiarised by sixteen other life companies within the first six months .
22 There is promise that the tracks may return to Cholsey bay platform within the next 12 months or so .
23 THE Dutch plan to do away with standing room at national league grounds within the next 10 years .
24 THE Dutch plan to do away with standing room at national league grounds within the next 10 years .
25 The Library could budget for phased installation of entry level systems within the next three years by spending a proportion of its budget in each of these years , and working on these systems would give us the expertise to proceed to development phase .
26 Estonia and Finland have signed an agreement under which Estonia undertakes to halve sulphur emissions within the next five years , compared to 1980 levels , in return for Finnish financial assistance .
27 Patients with reflux oesophagitis grade IV ( oesophageal ulcer , Barrett 's oesophagus , stenosis ) , concomitant gastrointestinal disease ( active duodenal or gastric ulcer , pyloric stenosis , malignancy ) , other serious illness ( cardiovascular , pulmonary , metabolic , hepatic , renal ) , intake of a proton pump inhibitor within the last four weeks , or intake of drugs affecting gastrointestinalmotility were excluded from the study .
28 Mark 's compensation and pension terms would be spelt out to him by New York within the next two weeks , after they had checked out the maximum terms permissible under British law .
29 His department said the Secretary of State intended to publish a a national league table of school results within the next two weeks and he would issue a statement then .
30 Although a decision on the application was not expected until after the completion of the single internal market in December 1992 , the Maltese government announced that it was preparing to become an EC member within the next five years .
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