Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] that would [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You might go and collect , oh er what Coliupe Collium , Collium Maculatum , spotted come up , you 'd go and cut it , you know , bring it in , get the Succus Conium that would keep you going , you know , sometimes he would he 'd say Oh blast you , we used two garlands of it .
2 Our campaign has consistently urged the Government to undertake a full and proper defence review that would determine what our commitments are , and are likely to be , and what level of resource needs to be made available to meet them — whether from the Army , Navy or Air Force .
3 It was the Richard Branson that would throw anybody in a swimming-pool — literally and metaphorically — often forgetful of the cost , be it of a junior employee 's ruined wristwatch or an editor 's dignity ( the watch could be paid for afterwards : dignity was harder to repair ) ; the Richard Branson that , when playing wicket-keeper in a company cricket match , would tie cotton round the bails and then ‘ when the batsman has been in long enough ’ yank them off with a roar of laughter , all the more resounding for the look of fury on the fallguy 's face .
4 We were down to Halflight , sliding through the tangle of the Lagoon Nebula interlink , making our way towards the secondary GalacNet lines that would get us to the sector containing the Ixyphal system .
5 The reason for not accepting what people call the social chapter , which is in reality the imposition of labour laws that would damage our competitiveness , is that we intend to keep our competitiveness and we are not prepared to lose our competitiveness against Japan and the United States , even though that is the express policy of the Labour party .
6 The lathes were serviced with a light oil film , draped in it as if to give them an overcoat protection that would ensure their survival against age and wear .
7 It scampered towards the cat door that would give it access to the bigger house at the end of the row , but suddenly it stopped .
8 Tears burst from his eyes when we were leaving South American soil and stepping aboard the cargo ship that would deliver us in Panama .
9 As she headed through the basement corridors that would lead her to the stairs and the stage door and thence to the waiting Joe Lucas , Josie 's thoughts barely touched on the subject of dying at all .
10 Mr Fu , probably illiterate , can not get the kind of job with a township enterprise that would enable them to keep up with the Lis .
11 One of the four diesel generators that would power its computer controls in the event of a blackout was also out of service and the reactor was threatened with shut-down .
12 Britain 's two banned weightlifters were waiting for phone calls that would send them back to Barcelona .
13 I 've seen splints and saddle sores that would make you blench , and you can pull the coat off some of them with your bare hands . ’
14 Were they just words he was reading , or did he realize that three aircraft meant twenty-one crew , and countless women waiting anxiously for the phone call that would tell them their man was safe — or the letter that would tell them he was not ?
15 Caught in the middle of the rumbling European Community-US trade skirmishes , which threaten to deteriorate into all-out trade war that would benefit nobody apart from posturing politicians with abnormally over-developed egos , British Telecommunications Plc has launched a judicial review to try and escape Community legislation that restricts its ability to purchase US telecommunications equipment .
16 And what we have found that is the county , Harrogate certainly and ourselves from direct experience this last two years , is that one of the features , we have an attractive county to such inward investors , its its environment , its people , its setting , its air and everything else is good , but one of the features that we have so far been unable to offer is a planning framework which means that the marketing authority can deliver , guarantee delivery of the planning consent that would make it happen .
17 In Huarina the tarmac was abandoned for the dirt road that would take us through Achacachi , honouring us with our last good look at the Ancohuma massif before we rolled endlessly down to Sorata and the warm , wetting mists of Yungas .
18 On the other hand , comparisons with national data may be less relevant in that there may be broad geographical variations either in incidence or in case ascertainment that would make it difficult to determine whether an increase in Seascale or Allerdale and Copeland was a local effect ( and hence possibly related to Sellafield ) or whether it affected the whole of Cumbria .
19 It was going to be well into the next bio-day , I knew , before we made all the Netline interactions that would bring us to the rendezvous point .
20 From there she 'd be able to go down to the lakeside if she chose , or else pick up one of the shore paths that would take her further into the valley .
21 In such systems it is entirely feasible for there to be a plurality of owning or controlling groups , thus preventing any particular group from having a monopoly over goods or employment opportunities that would enable it to exercise coercion .
22 For mums it was the era of the cheap washing machine that would free them from drudgery .
23 And King is seeking quality crosses as Tranmere bid for a Prenton victory that would take them third in the first division .
24 When asked whether he would support a constitutional change in Scotland if he did not have proportional representation , he said no ; so he makes it clear that he gives higher priority to the self-interest of the Liberal Democrats and a voting system that would help them than to the issue of principle on Scotland 's constitutional future .
25 Coppola may not have provided the definitive film of the Vietnam War , but he succeeded in providing ‘ a film experience that would give its audience a sense of the horror , the madness , the sensuousness and the moral dilemma of Vietnam ’ .
26 After two years , however , Gordon too got the wanderlust urge and planned a horse-back ride from South America to New York that would take him two years .
27 It comes as no surprise to learn that it took director Peter Greenaway a very long time to find a film company that would consider his script for more than 30 seconds .
28 It was to be the first in a long line of pay battles that would give her a reputation for being one of the toughest negotiators in the business .
29 So you got ta get away and underneath and I have n't got the rer rer the socket spanners that would do it , so well I have n't got a spanner let alone a socket ones that would do it !
30 The federal government is proposing changes in the nuclear energy law that would remove its obligation to subsidize the development of nuclear power .
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