Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] have [verb] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Before we reached the BUPA hospital in Paddington , I felt I knew every temperature change Salome had gone through in the past five days , what her grandmother — phoning twice daily from Jamaica — thought about life , the universe and young people driving around in fast cars , and how difficult Frank had found going to the launderette .
2 As Dean Acheson had commented back in 1962 , Britain had indeed lost an empire yet failed to find a post-imperial role .
3 As C. S. Coon has pointed out in regard to the world 's hunting peoples in general compared with urbanized people :
4 THE postponed replay of a battle over a five-a-side football complex has kicked off in earnest .
5 With the breakdown of the administration , crime syndicates have come up in a big way .
6 His ambulance service has taken off in a big way .
7 Chatichai 's coalition , then comprising six member parties , controlled 229 seats in the 347-member House of Representatives , and survived the vote with the apparently overwhelming majority of 220 to 38 , but only after most opposition members had walked out in a mark of protest .
8 The closure problem has come through in the appearance of another function F in the equation for E ; F is related to the Fourier transform of the triple correlation .
9 You see , I could do any sum in my head that Rebecca Salmon had to write out in longhand ; it used to drive her potty .
10 In the report it says that home repossessions have gone up in the last 12 months .
11 ( The 39 Sandinista delegates had walked out in protest before the vote and three other delegates were absent . )
12 It was so hot that Perdita would have liked to have worn shorts or a dress , but her mosquito bites had come up in huge red bumps and were oozing and itching like mad , so she settled for her pale pink jeans and a dark blue shirt .
13 The clothing and electronics factories have closed down in the Northeast , and the shifts specially designed for mothers , the part-time and twilight , were the first to go .
14 Michael Cash snapped Crusaders into the lead with a confidently struck close range drive high into the net in the 19th minute after Stephen Stewart had cruised through in a deadly wing raid .
15 Kikuko Toyama , the gallery 's director , said Mr Ikeda has opened up in New York to acquaint American collectors with the work of contemporary Japanese artists .
16 er , if the , if the , er service charge costs had gone up in the meantime , obviously after you reached the end of the first accounting period you have some accounts to go on and you have a much better idea of what the costs are actually going to be
17 Eddie McNally has won through in the men 's singles Section A with wins over G Byrne 21–15 and Richard Neilson whom he beat 21–14 to face the experienced Tommy Hopper .
18 The city 's funeral barons had turned out in an unprecedented expression of their admiration and their sympathy , and Creed took full advantage of the fact .
19 The maths teacher hated Maggie too , because one Parents ' Evening Phoebe had turned up in overalls and working boots .
20 More or less deliberately , what Lord Robert Cecil had pulled off in the peace Ballot was an irresistible fusion of pacifism and patriotism .
21 The more recent story of Tom Watt has taken over in the forefront of my mind .
22 In fact , as Stephen Gallup has pointed out in a recent history of the festival , Karajan was the last surviving link with the traditions of the festival 's founding fathers .
23 Robert Gate has gone up in the world , and no one deserves it more .
24 Both wheat and barley spot and new crop prices have come down in consequence .
25 Or at least , that was the tragi-romantic picture Chesarynth had fluffed up in her mind .
26 The boat hull and light aluminium masks and white roller jibs have to come down in tone to a light grey , and the varnished wood spars have to be darker ochre than those at the top .
27 She had nagged at her mother for insisting on cooking everything herself , although she always did it , however formal the occasion or long the guest list , she had gone on and on until Mrs Roberts had snapped back in her turn , furiously .
28 She 'd nothing to worry about , especially since that old bitch Mrs Gerard had walked off in a huff .
29 The prosecution argued that the Newleys had driven down together from London ; after the murder , Mrs Newley had driven back in her husband 's car , and parked it near their home ; no doubt she hoped that the trip to Hampshire would never come to light .
30 Such a change would set the final seal on what is perhaps the most radical transformation Japan has gone through in the last few decades : the disappearance of the farming community as a fundamental axis of politics , the economy and society and the emergence of Japan as a fully-fledged urban , industrial society .
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