Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] of both the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Opposition parties of both the right and left joined with the unions in calling for an independent inquiry into the Fez incidents .
2 The contractions recorded were of varying amplitudes , and Cook et al 's tracings show good reproduction by the open tipped tube recordings of both the shape and amplitudeof contractions measured from the serosal strain gauges throughout a wide range of amplitudes .
3 For one thing , it was now plain that there was little alternative : during the war Indianization of both the ICS and the Indian army had proceeded at such a pace that more than half the ICS and more than half the officers of the Indian army were Indian , and this was not a process to which the brake could suddenly be applied .
4 School led ( be it school based or off-site ) INSET has much to commend it and would appear to be a very productive and effective means of meeting the development needs of both the school and the staff .
5 Australians made their mark on the 1990 tournament statistics of both the European and USPGA Tours .
6 Statistics are the life blood of both the Government and economists , as chief end-users .
7 Alternatively third party rights in this context could be seen as a particular application of general international law : that State practice of both the treaty States and third parties has been that the canals are open for international navigation , and that there is sufficient opinio juris ( demonstrated by protest to any closure ) to support the view that there is a customary international law of transit through each canal despite their treaty origins .
8 The claimed benefits include rapid identification and isolation of faulty local network segments , dynamic control of network capacity , and integrated monitoring of performance parameters of both the internet and local network .
9 The claimed benefits include rapid identification and isolation of faulty local network segments , dynamic control of network capacity , and integrated monitoring of performance parameters of both the internetwork and the local network .
10 As well as this donation , British Telecom have produced three special Phonecards depicting the otter , barn own and red squirrel in order to help raise awareness of both the appeal and the plight of British wildlife .
11 As well as this donation , British Telecom have produced three special Phonecards depicting the otter , barn own and red squirrel in order to help raise awareness of both the appeal and the plight of British wildlife .
12 Thus by considering how the vector representation of ( ) changes in the s-plane diagram as ο varies , the frequency dependences of both the magnitude and phase of G ( ο); can be visualised .
13 The factors that influence these language attitudes will be examined , focussing particularly on the strength of the learner 's sense of identification with his/her own language group and the minority or majority status of both the learner and the second language .
14 The coat pattern of both the European and the African races can best be described as suppressed , weak or washed-out tabby .
15 This defeats the purpose of doing business on standard conditions ( speed and efficiency in dealing with a large number of transactions ) , and the purchasing departments of both the buyer and the seller will probably be unable to cope with the work load imposed if there are many such special negotiations .
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