Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] as [pron] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Penry bent to hold her wrist between his fingers , his mouth tightening as he took her pulse .
2 And she went out of her way to praise artist David Hankinson as she unveiled his painting of her in fairy-tale pink gown complete with tiara , pearl drop earrings and gold watch .
3 And , according to a new survey by Friskies Petcare , we take our pet 's diet so seriously three-quarters of owners put as much effort into preparing and serving their animals meals as they do their own .
4 A MURDER trial was adjourned last night after one of the accused broke down in the witness box as she said her fellow defendant had suggested using shovels to bury a woman alive .
5 For Esteban Vicente , still busy at work in his Bridgehampton studio as he enters his ninth decade , the sweet blarings of Fame 's trumpet have always had more than a little in common with the songs of the sirens .
6 It 's believed they were left on nearby Sussex Drive by one of the car thieves as he made his escape .
7 A raft and its crew pass the Liver Building as they row their way along the Mersey Picture : RICHARD WILLIAMS
8 When plants are cleared from an ecosystem effects animals as it reduces their food resources and thereby creating competition and by sometimes cutting down their shelter and natural habitat forcing them to move to areas where they ca n't survive .
9 Once in the lead there was no stopping the home side as they reinforced their gathering momentum with five second-half tries .
10 Cries of ‘ and do n't forget the bridge ’ pursued Swire Sugden as he wended his way home .
11 Ronnie Elphick , 45 , of Bovey Tracey , Devon , was trampled by three strapping rugby players as she cheered her 22-year-old son Nathan in the local team .
12 Lindsey could feel the tiny rivulets of sweat running down her back beneath the green operating gown as she kept her gaze fixed firmly on the monitors .
13 We follow BBC expert Nigel Colborn as he faces his TV challenge : to create a small garden for Gardeners ' World at Barnsdale
14 Many police officers will want to remind the Home Secretary as he prepares his response to the Sheahy report that they take special risks and deserve special treatment .
15 They may watch the sand shifting as they tunnel their hands into it .
16 He paused at the counter struggling with the straps of his shopping bag as he laid his self-regulated three weekly books on the counter .
17 The one certain prediction made by her astrologer , Felix Lyle as we discussed her life and character one balmy summer 's evening in August 1991 was that it would be a tortuous path .
18 Once again Royal show fashions ranged between formal-summer-outfit-with-hat to skimpy suntop and shorts , but the lady who turned the most heads at the show was probably international visitor Isha Kamara as she made her stately progress around the show bearing her bag upon her head .
19 ‘ Oh , God … ! ’ she choked out thickly , pushing at his shoulders , but he was so strong that she was helpless against that strength , her heart pounding as she felt his hard thighs press closer against her to trap her there .
20 Bourgois approached Lizzie Lamplugh as she parked her car outside her home in Oxford , Mr David Bright , prosecuting , said .
21 Thus if we are walking in the pastoral , remote country on the borders of Leicestershire and Rutland , following the Eye brook as it makes its way south through undulating fields to the Welland , we pass in a walk of nine or ten miles through a landscape modelled in five different centuries , and this in a part of England that is generally accounted somewhat dull , the monotonous product of parliamentary enclosure .
22 Even if she had heard the locomotive 's whistle as it entered the tunnel , she would not have had time to run to the bridge in time to meet Mr Cross as he parked his car in the goods yard .
23 This was brought home to me after witnessing the rapturous welcome given to about a dozen young Cape Verdians as they carried their enormous radios and bottles of duty-free Scotch to their waiting loved ones in the airport arrival lounge .
24 ’ ‘ e 's probably spent another night in gaol , ’ said Granpa on Monday morning as I pushed our barrow down the middle of the road , trying to avoid the horse shit from the buses that were dragged backwards and forwards , to and from the City along the Metropolitan Line .
25 This will enable the current coaches , now established as a so-called cluster , and their successors in the years to come , to identify and monitor the development of present and future Canada players as they work their way up through the system .
26 She glanced in the wing mirror as she pulled her car into the road .
27 In Berkeley 's Siris , for example — we know Coleridge was passing through a Berkeley phase as he named his second son , born in 1798 , alter him — we read that ‘ there is according to those philosophies ( Platonic and Stoic ) a life infused throughout all things ’ .
28 ‘ There 's someone to see you , ’ the technical operator called through over the talkback system as she pushed her chair back to stand , gathering together her yellow bulletin flimsies with their handwritten amendments .
29 ( Unfortunately , there is no hint of the conversations that took place at this time between Lloyd George and Mr Thomas as they took their daily morning walk ‘ across the park ’ from the underground station at Westminster . )
30 I felt the sinking whir of the back wheel as it dug its own grave .
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