Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] as [pers pn] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 And you would have a a Co board as they called it
2 Yes Chairman , we we did have this debate in er budget review as I remember it .
3 But I suppose the real thing about Neighbourhood Watch as I see it is it 's there to create a , a neighbourly spirit .
4 You gave examples in your talk about something called miocenia gravis , or M G as you call it .
5 They will , however , benefit from advice from their store instructor , or department manager as they need it .
6 She could hear the horse groan as he squeezed it with his calves .
7 Such a characterization would certainly not fit B T as we have it , nor any of the various plans leading up to it .
8 Cowley took the phone from Roz Hatch as she picked it up and passed it to him , then left him to his privacy .
9 Perhaps the tennis circuit as we know it today does not suit the British temperament .
10 Tomorrow they will pack up the equipment and depart , leaving that desert town as they found it , intact .
11 It was the time of wooden pit props and er much kneeling and laying down and hacking away at the coal with picks and there was no mining machinery as we know it now .
12 The Buckley-Valeo ruling supported the rise in campaign spending as it declared it unconstitutional to limit the personal contributions of a candidate for their own campaign .
13 What we are seeing them is an acknowledgement that the gallery system as we knew it early in the eighties , has really changed .
14 Settling down they formed themselves into small communities under one leader , this being the beginning of our village system as we know it now .
15 Students at that time could apparently choose when they wished to be examined ( after the continental custom ) as there was no fixed examination schedule as we know it .
16 Town planning as we know it today was created out of the initiatives taken to tackle the problems of the late Victorian city , particularly its housing and environmental inequalities ; the late twentieth-century urban crisis is once again calling for a re-assembly of skills and methods of approach which cut across established ways of doing things .
17 Then , whereas the concertos of Haydn represent a tiny and relatively insignificant fraction of his output , three of Mozart 's five violin concertos rank among the ‘ top ten ’ works in that repertory ; his magnificent Clarinet Concerto has never been surpassed ; his concertos for horn and flute are still among the finest works for their respective instruments ; while he may without exaggeration be said to have ‘ invented ’ the piano concerto as we know it , with his 23 original masterpieces in the genre .
18 However , the potential for desktop publishing as we know it today was born .
19 And so it was for Former Labour Leader Michael Foot and front bench spokesmen , Chris Smith and Donald Dewar as they slugged it out with John Patten and Peter Lilley .
20 There are some being found , but not stable ones erm we know all the elements which are going to be stable on the planet earth as we know it .
21 The diamond set signet ring as we have it there .
22 A bumble bee flew frantically up the motorway with his back legs crossed , stopping briefly at each motorway service area as he passed it and muttering to himself :
23 Could I just have a small poll , those who would like to er have S Q as they call it , status quo ?
24 MORE than 1,000 runners disturbed the lazy calm of a country Sunday morning as they battled it out in the 11th Crosby 10k event .
25 By then the faster truck , La Resurrección , had pulled over and I had a blurred impression of brilliantly painted pictures of Bethlehem , the birth and the Virgin Mary as I passed it .
26 Scion of an ancient family of Scottish gentry , the Stirlings of Keir , he was the founder of what was to become the Special Air Service Regiment as we know it today , although with typical modesty he always insisted on sharing the credit with others .
27 While water certainly found a place in the past in the landscapes of famous gardeners like Capability Brown , this was scarcely water gardening as we know it today .
28 Yes , there 's the er sweat rag as you call it being tossed from DeFreitas to Lawrence who , as he dries his hands rather like a towel .
29 Ah it 's a nice little star shaped cluster ring as we have it again .
30 Well there you are , it 's a gold belcher chain on a nice little gold belcher chain as we have it there .
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