Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [vb past] that on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Allowing the Crown 's appeal , and dismissing the taxpayer 's cross-appeal , Lord Justice Scott said that on a first reading of s 72 it was natural to read subsection ( 4 ) as one of a group of subsections dealing only with cases where the amount of capital distribution was comparatively small .
2 Mr Johnson said that on a previous occasion , Mr Chittenden had asked him to deliver flowers to her in her office .
3 In Chelmsford Auctions v. Poole ( 1973 C.A. ) Lord Denning M.R. explained that on a sale by auction there are three contracts .
4 Mr. Jeffreys contended that on a fair reading of the subsection it can not have been the intention that every one of an owner 's rights had to be assumed by the alleged thief before an appropriation was proved and that essential ingredient of the offence of theft established .
5 The huge interest generated in the share issue meant that on the first day of trading , the partially paid price of 50p immediately increased to 93p , which emphasised the extent of the undervaluation of the company ; the share price subsequently increased by even more .
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