Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [vb past] [pron] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Kenneth Branagh hired him to direct his Coriolanus at Chichester this summer after seeing his Billy Budd in Sheffield .
2 Sarah complained that she was ‘ bored ’ and so Miss Rudge told her to pack her bags and leave for a term .
3 Miss Lambe helped him to unpack his books , holding each one with as much reverence as if it had been the Sacrament .
4 Numbly Rory allowed him to lead her to the dance floor , moving automatically into his arms as though she 'd always belonged there .
5 It 's an embarrassing thing for a fault-tolerant vendor to have to say , but a bug in Guardian for the Tandem Computers Inc NonStop CLX machines caused them to reset their clocks to December 1 , 1983 on November 1 , causing systems with time-dependent programs to go haywire .
6 At first Miss Outram told them to ask their mothers , but feeling she might lose the girls ' confidence if she blocked their curiosity she took a more direct approach .
7 Miss Anna told me to ask you to go straight in . ’
8 His inability to make the weight limit forced him to relinquish his title , but two years later , at the age of 22 , he moved back to the USA and won the featherweight crown ( subsequently losing it , regaining it , losing it again and winning it back finally in 1898 ) .
9 Signor Diomede ordered me to bring it up , Signorina . ’
10 The next morning , we found another blown exhaust gasket , but Thai Air Force mechanics helped us to fix it , with no charge .
11 Mother Bombie motioned him to keep his voice down but he ignored her .
12 At the beginning of Lent , Miss White approached me to see what she should do about the appeal
13 I know Frank Foley wished you to help us extend our network here , but this is a task I think potentially more important .
14 The Bootle Times wanted us to put them up again for a photograph , and they were left until the next day because it was raining . ’
15 In March , her friend Mary-Ann Stewart-Richardson invited her to join her family on their skiing holiday in the French Alps .
16 In 1979 , singer Nancy Wilson hired him to open her nightclub act .
17 The man from Servette Geneva saw nothing to worry him from his UEFA Cup opponents .
18 It was a painful process , but Angela 's experience as an antique dealer specialising in country furniture and folk art helped her to accept it philosophically .
19 Mr Keen saw John Neal , Willie Maddren , Bobbie Murdoch and Malcolm Allison come and go before work pressures forced him to leave his scouting post in the early days of Bruce Rioch .
20 But Mike Burton is also the best in the business of sports hospitality and that 's why the Welsh Rugby Union appointed him to run their corporate hospitality .
21 Dr Jones asked me to tell you he was off to tea .
22 Aunt Margaret told her to dress herself in her nicest dress and Melanie put on a dress she had never worn in her uncle 's house , a best dress from the old days , dark green corduroy with lace at the neck .
23 Guy topped Mortimer 's height by at least six inches , and the civilising garb of Savile Row suit and Jermyn Street silk shirt did nothing to hide his athletic physique .
24 Mr Dawlish told me to give you a summary of the virus .
25 Mr Benedict asked me to give you this , miss , quiet like . ’
26 Sister Oliver pressed her to grasp her chance and go to university .
27 Mr Hellyer asked me to hide it for him .
28 Their fascination for twisted pop classics led them to barter their worldly goods for two acoustic guitars and into The Impossibles .
29 ‘ I loved the song , and I think it should have been a hit , but there again the record company did nothing to promote it .
30 " Mr. Preston wanted me to ask you if it would be convenient to move the bureau into your part of the house this afternoon , " Mrs. Mott began .
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