Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [pers pn] would have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 If you had a key signature you would have to remember to make that a natural would n't you ?
2 Every night the show finished at eleven ; after the Saturday performance they would have to pack the stage costumes and props carefully into skips which were large wicker baskets which could be thrown around without harm to the contents .
3 With a 10° correction you would have to fly 6 nm before regaining track ( Fig 38a ) .
4 The Attorney-General has no statutory right to preview programmes or to see transcripts or articles in draft , and if the rule against prior restraint were honoured in breach of confidence cases he would have to await publication before deciding whether the public interest required action .
5 But if it were if it were to be slashed or erm you know and er on Monday evening we would have to get a screen we would have to replace that screen immediately .
6 The USA responded on Feb. 22 with an ultimatum from Bush stating that if Iraq wished to be seen as meeting the UN resolutions it would have to make a much more rapid withdrawal and to comply with associated conditions .
7 But in a pragmatist society he would have to predict whether the judges would be likely to consider his case as one in which the virtues of predictability were less important than the substance of the law , and whether , if they thought substance more important , they would think a decision for him better or worse for the community .
8 And now , having walked all the way across Frizingley in her thin pale blue dress and her dark blue tablecloth cloak she would have to walk back again — and fast — before she froze to death where she stood .
9 The great problem I faced , when I eventually obtained my degree in zoology , was that to convert my childhood fascination into an adult career I would have to carry out experiments on animals .
10 Is the Minister aware that if the Wakefield district council social services department had to stick to its standard spending assessment it would have to save a further £3 million this year on services for the chronically sick and disabled ?
11 ‘ We just could n't afford the rent increase from £21,000 to £48,000 or the sort of insurance premiums we would have to pay to cover repairs and the upkeep of the pub , ’ she said .
12 According to her biographers , Robert Laguardia and Gene Arceri , however , Hayward ‘ was n't anxious to do with her career what now had to be done : modify her image away from the old-guard glamour to fit the concepts of new directors like Mike Nichols … repulsed at the semi-nude hotel-room sex scenes she would have to play , she did not consider it .
13 Previously , the Bank had been willing to lend to the houses , leaving their bill holdings intact ; also , of course , the houses knew the lending rate they would have to pay .
14 If we accepted animal rights we would have to make similarly strong moral justifications for infringing them .
15 If he bought compressed pellet hops he would have to use only half the amount compared to whole hops .
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