Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Random insertions to balanced tree files that use two index entries per track took rather less time as the overflow percentage in the file built up .
2 The bank gives warning that industry expectations of inflation had still not reached the level consistent with keeping price rises in the target range .
3 Among these 17 patients , five also had endoscopic biopsies ; two at first had false negative biopsy specimens with malignancy found only on subsequent biopsies one month and one year later .
4 At Grand Central , New York , the Vanderbilt search for opulence had even outrun the French Empire style of the first Grand Central with its great conventional train-shed behind .
5 Towards the end of the campaign perceptions of bias became more widespread ( Table 6.4 ) .
6 It was a typical mode of response by Hoggart , contrasting the cultural solidity of the English pub and its robust pleasures with the contrived artificiality of the ‘ American ’ cafe ; the fantasy world of admass set unfavourably against the down-to-earth character of working-class tradition .
7 At this time of war continental marbles were hard to obtain and his chimney pieces and marble tops for furniture sold very well .
8 By the end of September stripping to bare metal of the lower nose area for inspection had sadly also removed half of the nose art and the aircraft was completely gutted as the VMMU got to grips with their final overhaul .
9 Innovations such as vaccination could spread over Western Europe and North America within a decade ; later the acceptance of the germ theory of disease spread even faster .
10 The normal pattern for the distribution of funding is a form of the Normal Distribution Curve , with the bulk of funding going to middle-of-the-road research carried out in Departments which are already pre-eminent , as can be seen from the figures for NERC support for geology quoted earlier .
11 The departure of Macaraig , who was also the government 's energy co-ordinator , was hastened by confusion and discontent caused by sharp cuts in retail price subsidies for petrol announced earlier in the month .
12 As in the sixteenth century there was a persistent and widespread feeling that an administrative or , better still , court appointment at home provided much rosier prospects .
13 Come 1981 , and the deepest recession since the 1930s , a 5% rate of return looked downright demanding : by that time , Britain 's private sector was returning just 3% .
14 In the West Indies pressures on land had already become intense ; the proprietors were replaced by royal governors , and external danger made the government 's support for the islands essential .
15 If they had done so , the economy would have retained a much fuller utilization of capacity , which in turn would have increased the companies ' profits ( from 1957 to 1963 the capacity utilization rate in manufacturing averaged only 80.5 per cent , nearly 12 per cent less than the peak achieved in 1966 ) .
16 She remembered the time only three days previously when the Senior Scientific Officer of the instrument section bad let her look into the giant scanning electron microscope and watch the image of a minute pill of putty burst instantaneously into an exotic incandescent flower .
17 These findings suggested that in HBsAg carriers with chronic hepatitis delta virus infection the synthesis and expression of pre-S peptides in liver correlated closely with the underlying hepatitis B virus replicative status and did not appear to be modulated by the concurrent hepatitis delta virus infection .
18 In his classic monetarist analysis of inflation published just after the end of the First World War , J.M. Keynes wrote :
19 Meat production is obviously inefficient for all sorts of reasons and meat production from beef reared intensively is really wasteful by all sorts of criteria ; it is very expensive on fossil fuel , it is not very productive in terms of food energy and the animals are obviously having to be killed in the process .
20 Within the Boards , policy formulation in practice lay largely in the hands of the chairman and his deputy ( one of whom was usually an engineer ) and their senior officers ( usually four : an engineer , commercial officer , accountant , and secretary ) .
21 First , the use structure of information became even more detached from the data storage structure of that information .
22 After the 1987 general election victory complaints of high-handedness surfaced again .
23 As emigration became a flood of families leaving for new lands in the 19th century , many towns and villages formed Emigration Societies in which people intent on leaving came together to plan and to save money for their departure .
24 THE Clacton Jacqueline Annis School of Dancing raised more than £3,000 at its charity show held last week at the Clacton County High School .
25 The president of the Wolverhampton chamber of commerce delivered precisely the same speech as the one of which he sent me a copy beforehand and I have it here .
26 But since 1949 , the Chinese bedroom was used as a furniture store.Pieces of furniture had also been stacked in the family chapel for the past forty years .
27 New towns have continued to appear , though by the late nineteenth century novel concepts of housing produced very different layouts and appearance , best seen at , for example , Letchworth , the first garden city in 1903 , and later at Welwyn Garden City in 1920 .
28 Go left here , along the valley floor before turning left again to return to your start point over the high moors .
29 a. any of the other diseases indicative of AIDS listed above in Section 1 diagnosed by a definitive method , and b. a T-helper ( T4 ) lymphocyte count < 400 per mm 3 .
30 As we can see from the diagram , the ratio of general government expenditure to GDP fell sharply during the growth years of the mid-to-late 1980s .
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