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1 The pay of David Kershaw , 30 , from Merseyside , a locally-hired computer programmer at Fujitsu is the same as that of Japanese colleagues — which he describes as average because , he says , ‘ the basic pay is so low you end up putting in lots of overtime to bring your income up to the level in England . ’
2 So Taylor 's announcement that he 's to put his tactical paperwork in the office shredder and hand over the complete accounts ledger to Gascoigne is the most encouraging statement for English football since the surgeon passed Gazza 's knee A1 .
3 The Bovingdon Hall Farm arable trail and Cow Wood ancient woodland trail at Bocking are the inspiration of owners Mr and Mrs John Tabor .
4 Longlands College in Middlesbrough is the first college in the country to train engineers and technicians in the use of Fisher Controls valves and regulators vital to the safety of heavy industrial processes throughout the world .
5 Mr Hugh of the Wyvern Partnership in Devizes was the architect who gave expert evidence on the subject .
6 Taken together , these results demonstrate that the optimal DNA-PK recognition motif in c-Jun is the sequence Glu-Ser-Gln-Glu .
7 The complete Beethoven Symphonies by Karajan is the ideal way to introduce yourself to the world of high quality classical recordings .
8 Young Richard Duncan of Ards was the pick of the 10–11 year-old boys as he notched his sixth title of the championships with a fine performance in the 100 metre freestyle .
9 As compared with other advanced economies , a notable feature of the structure of labour organisation in Japan is the prevalence of comprehensive unions at the level of the individual enterprise .
10 Richard Mainwaring from Gloucestershire is the british barefoot water ski-ing champion for the ninth time … that 's a world record … he took the title in the Cotswold Water Park yesterday and set a new British record at the same time …
11 Richard Mainwaring from Gloucestershire is the british barefoot water ski-ing champion for the ninth time … that 's a world record … he took the title in the Cotswold Water Park yesterday and set a new British record at the same time …
12 The Church of S. Mary in Cracow is the town church , built in the market place in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries but with the addition of a Renaissance cupola and a Baroque western porch .
13 The most important individual for deciding the direction of United States policy in Korea was the head of the military occupation , from 1945 to 1948 , General John Reed Hodge .
14 The first announcement made by Miss Cackle at assembly was the ghastly news that Miss Hardbroom had changed places with Miss Gimlett , and would now be accompanying her old form into their second year .
15 It is currently widely accepted that regional divergence in living standards within countries is the norm ( Bennett , 1980 , 67 ) .
16 The military coup which deposed President Ramsewak Shankar in December was the culmination of months of friction between army officers and the government .
17 Wroughton airfield near Swindon was the busiest in the world this weekend , as more than fifteen hundred aircraft flew in for the largest rally of its kind outside the United States .
18 For example , in training manually guided missile operators the degree of transfer is appropriately measured by ‘ first shot ’ success whereas in training and retraining flight deck crew the long term contribution to safety is the appropriate measure .
19 Various schools of thought , however , have evolved , with the low potency school of Hughes and the high potency school of Kent being the main contenders in this country .
20 Applications invited from W Is , the closing date for bookings is the first of November ninety one after which the ticket allocation will be made and the entry fee is two pound a person .
21 On one level I suppose climbing the south-west face of Everest was the biggest and most complete expedition , but in spite of our being successful , one member of the team died on the second summit attempt .
22 There is a growing consensus that one of the major factors contributing to the relatively poor record of labour productivity in Britain is the low level of skill in the workforce compared with that of the major competitors .
23 Car production in March was the highest since November 1990 and commercial vehicle output was the highest since June 1990 .
24 Now we can announce that Dennis Hurst of Wigan is the winner of the Koch clamping system , with his smoothing plane
25 The building blocks of matter are the atoms which were originally thought to be indivisible .
26 The building blocks of photovoltaics are the solar cells that capture and transmute the energy from sunlight .
27 Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by NSAIDs is the major established mechanism by which NSAIDs render the gastric mucosa vulnerable to mucosal injury .
28 The work settings of professionals are the subject of contributions from Celia Davies and Topsy Murray , Robert Dingwall and John Eekelaar .
29 The largest mill complex in Blockley is the next downstream , originally called Westmacotts Mill and now known as Blockley Court .
30 The most striking make-up effects in RoboCop are the death of Officer Murphy ( Peter Weller ) , his reincarnation in a cyborg version as RoboCop , and the ‘ Melting Man ’ , into which the especially unsympathetic gangster Emil ( Paul McCrane ) changes very shortly before his death .
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