Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [conj] it [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now , we hear time and time again of the one million capital that was spent and yes and I do hope that the provisions that will now be made through a combined budget which Mr seems to think is half a million but I can assure you it is not half a million however , I do I can further reassure him that by the time the Highfields er and Moat management committee have gone through with this it will be half a million , there will be a proper budget provision as it should have been in the last five to six years .
2 The track 's existence came under threat — there was talk of it becoming a gravel pit and it was , after all , a prime industrial area — but in 1982 tobacco giant Gallagher purchased the site and handed the important sections over to the Brooklands Museum Trust , erecting its new headquarters building where it would create least damage .
3 What then of the Government 's claim that it is spending more money in income support than it would have done had the previous supplementary benefit system remained in place ?
4 This means that your solution may differ , quite legitimately , from your neighbour 's ( in fact it is one of the characteristics of a good case study that it can give rise to equally valid alternative solutions ) .
5 Intel Corp has confirmed a report in the San Francisco Chronicle that it will delay introduction of its Pentium microprocessor until May , but denies the paper 's assertion that it is holding the chip back to exploit demand for existing 80486 products .
6 *John wound up the toy car because it would go .
7 We usually have a west wind and it 'll go straight into these holes .
8 Under licence from Chorus it will be bringing out a product based on the System V 3.2/Intel technology of Chorus Mix so it can pursue the real-time and telecomms business that has been slipping through its fingers .
9 We could have done this without the Support Force but it would have taken longer to do . ’
10 Well i it 's becoming slightly unfair because Watsons is n't on the stand , Watsons would also you know probably spell out in a little bit more detail , but their advice was comprehensive that there were Inland Revenue rules that it would put the tru and so on and one would want to s to say that tha that as well , but I do want to move on .
11 Turn down that side bit and it 'll bring you to the swimming baths .
12 It will have Councillor , it will have an overspent and out of control revenue budget and it will have streets and parks strewn with abandoned , rotting , hou household rubbish
13 As we talked , I felt that if I had pressed him he would have loaned it to me anyway , but the Land Rover was necessary for the research programme and it would have been irresponsible to put John 's work at risk .
14 A Trades Union Congress study published today shows that it would cost the Government significantly more to implement its pit closure programme than it would to keep the mines open .
15 For example , in the 1980s the UK appears to have hosted parts of an international car industry because it could provide a relatively cheap , disciplined and flexible labour force and , as a resuIt , the parts of the production process it could host were similar to those found in some Third World countries .
16 The diode D is reverse-biased by the capacitor voltage so it can resume conduction of the phase currents as soon as the capacitor has discharged .
17 As we shall see in section 3.2 , this is a more difficuIt exercise than it would appear .
18 It was not just that his career had suffered : he would have been an errand boy if it would have done her any good .
19 Sometimes the panic is passed over and forgotten , but at other times it has more serious and long term repercussions and it might produce changes in legal and social policy or even in the way in which societies conceive themselves .
20 Opting out has a short term attraction because it will bring in cash … but the feeling is will be little use in the long run .
21 Opting out has a short term attraction because it will bring in cash … but the feeling is will be little use in the long run .
22 Following its agreements with Maspar Computer Corp and Intel Corp , DEC now has three more conventional massively parallel streams on the go — the Single Instruction-Multiple Data machines that it will build using MasPar 's chip , the Multiple Instruction-Multiple Data machines it plans using Intel 's 80860XP chip and technology , and an Alpha-based massively parallel machine set for 1995 .
23 The signature looked like Spiggy Meu but it could have been Spiggy Lee .
24 For certain businesses the purchaser may require the prior consent or approval of an industry regulator before it can commence the new business or amalgamate it into its existing business .
25 In other words er would be would not cause problems or ra raise objection from the N R A because it would conflict with their responsibilities .
26 A computer would have to be given knowledge about human eating habits before it could interpret this .
27 It has very fast reference and search facilities and it will allow you to open multiple windows for comparisons .
28 It would be of scientific interest to know of plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids profile in inflammatory bowel disease as it might have both pathophysiological and therapeutic implications .
29 He was describing Denis Law but it could have been this era .
30 However , a special session of the Cambodian Supreme National Council ( SNC ) — the interim body established by the Paris accords to represent all four Cambodian factions — which had met on June 21 , failed in its attempt to extract a pledge from the Khmers Rouges that it would abide by the second stage of the peace plan .
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