Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [conj] [pron] [be] give " in BNC.

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1 Of every hundred pounds that 's invested , round about forty pounds goes straight to the government in betting duty , round about thirty pounds goes to the football pools in expenses , commissions and profits , leaving round about thirty pounds to be returned in prizes , and so you can see that your rate of return on football pools is extremely small , but on the other hand a very large number of people do enter the football pools , and when they win they can win considerable sums of money and it can make absolute rational economic sense to go in for football pools because you are giving yourself a chance , no matter how small , of winning a sum of money that you would n't expect to come across in any other way of your life .
2 In many respects , rocks are like pitch , which flows like a liquid if it is left unsupported for long enough , for example on a steeply-sloping roof , but will also break suddenly along clean shiny fracture surfaces if it is given a sharp blow .
3 Digital Equipment Corp 's big-name appointment to head its sales and marketing organisation turns out to be Ed Lucente — nicknamed Neutron Eddie at IBM Corp after he was given the job of pushing administrative staff out of their offices and onto the road as sales and support personnel , so that the people were gone but the buildings still standing .
4 When a FOREIGN module is read from LIFESPAN , the files are re-created with the same file names as they were given in the module header .
5 Both had to be rushed to Arrowe Park hospital 's resuscitation unit where they were given oxygen .
6 A copy of the notice served on the group of insurance companies was sent to W. Plc. but it was given no opportunity to make representations and it had no right of appeal under Lautro 's 1988 Rules .
7 But experience has shown that it is possible to create elite , high-calibre long-term support teams if they are given the right leadership and training , an attractive physical environment to work from , good pay and conditions of service and , crucially , a set of realistic objectives about what they are trying to achieve .
8 It was only when Cairo confirmed their names and service numbers that they were given the honoured status of the first Eighth Army troops to meet up with the First Army .
9 What we had was basically method things where we were given lots of experimental things we would do in the laboratory , but no real philosophy behind it , no sod of follow through .
10 She was constitutionally a Kali Carb. patient and she was given the 10M but sustained a long aggravation followed by weakening of her condition .
11 Um around the middle years of the twentieth century there was ah a good deal of well people were spotting signs which would nowadays be taken as evidence of child sex abuse but they were giving other explanations for them .
12 At the age of seventeen he was playing for Antigua in the Leeward Islands tournament when he was given out caught behind .
13 Twenty-seven years on , in 1977 , he was duly awarded with another request to visit Buckingham Palace when he was given the OBE.
14 The tour included a visit to the SCOTVEC offices where they were given an overview of SCOTVEC 's role and functions .
15 However , it is obviously as much a waste of funds to give money to privatisation of the coal industry as it was to give money for the poll tax .
16 After a detailed survey a large area of stone was removed to the Dorset County Museum where it is given pride of place .
17 I keep a record of the book number that you are given , that 's another record that I 've written down here , and then I keep , within that record , I keep details of your marks all the way across , what I gave you for your erm attainment and effort grades progress checks , your exam marks and so on .
18 How on earth would it affect his negotiating position if he were to give the net farm income figures on the impact of his own proposals set out in ’ Our Farming Future ’ ?
19 I had an alarming reading for an Agatha Christie film where I was given several sheets of script to sight read without any logical link up in the scenes being read and no-one to read with , except an office assistant who could n't read dialogue .
20 You can use this same method to construct any shape triangle if you are given the measurements of the sides .
21 ‘ Robson has a clot on the calf muscle and we are giving him some fitness routines in the gymnasium in the hope of clearing it , ’ said Mr Ferguson yesterday .
22 When I say that er the existing bonus structure er although unrelated to time , was certainly related to the man 's pay packet and it was given in the way of an advice note with each job , and a price attached to it .
23 None of the 5HT antagonists or the 5HT 4 agonist , SC53116 , significantly altered ICJ transit when they were given ip during ia infusion of saline ( Table II ) .
24 Rye must be soaked in hot water to destroy an anti-growth hormone in the seed coat before it is given to livestock , but triticale kernels can be fed directly to livestock with no harmful side-effects .
25 Er a function is is a set a set sum that you 're given .
26 Most of the refugees who arrived after Hungary opened its border with Austria on 11 September , and aboard the special trains last week , have been taken to reception camps where they are given West German citizenship papers and DM200 ( £66 ) .
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