Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [pron] could have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Had they checked with a knowledgeable nuclear physicist — and there were several in the nearby physics department who could have helped — or held a technical seminar before the press conference , they would have learned this before events overtook them .
2 It was the best wedding present I could have given her . ’
3 And you ask us to believe that out of a dozen car-parks and hundreds of side streets you could have chosen you picked this place by chance ?
4 Armed with that lot Brigadier Jazali himself could have entered the land of hope and glory .
5 However had the United States regarded the joining of a nuclear free zone agreement as incompatible with the Pacific Security Treaty it could have made a claim of material breach and suspended the first agreement with respect to New Zealand .
6 was a bit drunk one afternoon at about four o'clock and he said , ‘ If it was just an ‘ oul book we could have done something for you but with marrying this foreign woman you 're a hopeless case . ’
7 Dr Tom McManus of the IIRS defended the Institute against allegations that it had been ‘ bought ’ by industry by claiming the IIRS had turned down 15 major industries which could have caused dangerous pollution : he cited the example of a herbicide factory which could have wiped out much of the marine life in Cork Harbour .
8 He was described as an enthusiastic , determined and well-turned-out soldier with leadership qualities which could have taken him to the top warrant officer rank .
9 If you had n't have bought those library books we could have carried some home the other day !
10 ( 1988 ) not included in Table 1.1 was ‘ [ how often do you ] plan your route badly , so that you meet traffic congestion you could have avoided ? ’
11 Many times during this pocket lecture she could have turned and looked at her instructor , and put him clean out of countenance merely by looking ; but she had not done it because she was so sure that he was the young man from the entrance booth , a licensed enthusiast , and entitled to his brief moments of emotional escape .
12 ‘ With better air support they could have got across .
13 They have welcomed the scrapping of Manchester proposals which could have led to more aircraft noise over the Lymm and Grappenhall areas .
14 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
15 At Boston Spa , for example , there were no adequate washing facilities for 16 years ; at Exeter , it was 1887 before the school got hot water facilities ; at Old Kent Road , the installation of gas pipes which could have provided better lighting was rejected in 1833 on the grounds the cost was exorbitant and that the children could make do with candles .
16 For Lester , 57 today , it was the best birthday present he could have wished for .
17 ‘ It 's the best birthday present I could have asked for . ’
18 ‘ It 's the best Christmas and birthday present I could have wished for , ’ said Carol .
19 With a little bit of luck in their penalty area we could have won the game .
20 It had been a topic of some concern , in the days when I worked fairly regularly at the Mimosa , that Stubbly always preferred to walk through Chinatown to the Piccadilly Circus Barclays , as even on a Thursday morning he could have got mugged .
21 The hon. Lady is right — the tragedy is that Britain is one of the few member states which could have met the convergence conditions of the EMU almost immediately .
22 say by the way Jim you could have fixed that boiler take everyone off the pipes
23 Communism had been his religion , the romantic , revolutionary communism of 1917 and Petrograd and the streets full of soldiers and sailors and workers and red flags and armoured cars that looked as if they were made of galvanised steel buckets , and the cruiser Aurora out on the river with its searchlight blazing — now there was a fairground panel he could have painted if only he could have got away with it — but it was n't the same any more .
24 ( 2 ) That the judge 's failure to direct the jury adequately as to the defendant 's previous good character was a material misdirection which could have caused injustice to him ; that at any stage of the trial the jury were entitled to the judge 's assistance on the facts as well as on the law , the withholding of which constituted an irregularity which might , depending on the circumstances , be material ; and that the judge had erred in failing to ascertain what the jury 's problem was and to give the requisite help ( post , pp. 166C , F–G , 167G , H ) .
25 A family who 've been saved from eviction by an anonymous donor say it 's the best Christmas present they could have hoped for .
26 Their Lordships therefore consider that Mr. Perot 's interest in buying both the properties was a material factor which could have influenced the negotiations for the price at which Caliban was sold .
27 ‘ If someone had rung myself or Walter Jones I could have accepted that , but they did n't . ’
28 ONE OF Czechoslovakia 's most prominent dissidents , Stanislav Devaty , has gone underground rather than face an appeal hearing which could have confirmed a 20-month jail sentence .
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