Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [prep] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Blackburn has had a high level of female participation in its labour market for over a century .
2 The spillover effect of safety demands on costs , coupled with an economic recession , had effectively resulted in no new nuclear stations being ordered in the United States for over a decade .
3 He might have told her that in the United States for over a decade now , the journals and magazines and guide-to-life books , aided and abetted by manufacturers , traders , and advertisers , had sung the song of the perfect home and the perfect homemaker .
4 That 's when Mrs Marsh from over the road comes and sits with her while I get to the shops .
5 Often the outfall will be off-site and it may be necessary to provide a storm water sewer of over a mile to achieve an outfall acceptable to the water authority .
6 On current spending education was essentially stabilised in real volume terms for over a decade , and the rates of growth in health and personal social services slowed down or ceased for some periods .
7 The poll-tax , a fixed annual levy placed on all tax-paying males regardless of age , together with the rent imposed on state peasants , formed the basis of state revenue for over a century .
8 In 1989 , it was decided to change peptic ulcer drugs containing cimetidine , ranitidine or sucralfate in general use from prescription drugs to over the counter distribution .
9 The mill was owned and operated by successive members of the Tayloe family for over a century , until it was eventually sold by Hester Tayloe .
10 The mill also housed a bakehouse on the lower floor , several bake-ovens set in the rear wall being largely intact , surviving as a reminder of what was once an important local trade , carried on at Aston mill for over a century .
11 Excellent training has been offered by the Metropolitan Forensic Science Laboratory for over a decade .
12 The Conservatives had dominated Hampshire county politics for over a century .
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