Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The majority shareholders at the same time expressed strong criticism of the Bank of England and other regulators over their handling of the affair .
2 The journey by train from Cambridge to Lincoln was tedious , involving several changes , and on arrival I was met by the usual RAF truck for the half hour 's run into Binbrook village and from there up the steep hill to the RAF Station on its plateau above the low lying plains .
3 The other crucial feature of the process is the magnitude of change in national income : if injections increased by £100 million , for example , would national income rise by the same amount ?
4 Coulton , joint favourite in some lists for the Champion Hurdle on 16 March , heads a list of eight for the Tote City Trial Hurdle on the same programme .
5 Even if this were politically possible , which it is not , petrol taxes punish the rural lunch-time driver at the same rate as the urban peak-time driver , when the latter causes far more harm .
6 Regional Airlines : Established only this year , and operating from Jan Smuts with a former SAAF ‘ founding father ’ Dakota III 6871 ( on charge January 1944 , on to SAA in November 1953 and Namibair in 1978 ) ZS-DIW .
7 They are normally pinned to a pelmet board in the same way as a pelmet , through pocketed webbing tape , hand stitched to the back .
8 The 1989 defence budget called for 1.7 per cent growth in spending to 11.75 billion lei ( approximately £500 million — Britain 's defence budget in the same period was £19.2 billion ) , but this is insufficient for the armed forces ' perceived needs .
9 A group of link objects with the same source node form a frame ( see Figure 4 ) .
10 One interesting practice , for example , is for two businesses , both short of funds , to exchange P Notes of the same value and tenor , and discount them at their respective banks — presumably when most other sources of finance have been exhausted .
11 These results were taken as supporting a temporal discrimination hypothesis of the same type that has been used elsewhere to describe short term verbal recency effects ( e.g. Bjork & Whitten , 1974 ) .
12 " Abd Allah ( Hubbi/Hubbi Mollasi ) in about 970/1562–3 by combining the kadilik of Kutahya with the muderrislik of the Germiyanoglu medrese in the same city .
13 But the fact is that , like most people , he reserved a special kind of behaviour or language for whomever he was with ; in his correspondence with Ezra Pound in the same period , far example , he became an egregious Yankee addressing another .
14 First , allow loo calories from the half pint of skimmed milk , and another loo calories for your daily apple and orange .
15 Gainers may specify shorter maximum waiting times for their patients and be prepared to pay for new and expensive developments , which patients from loser districts in the same hospital could be denied .
16 The comparison can be made visually in Figure 1.2 , which allocates equal space on the page to each constituency , Figure 1.2A for unemployment , and in Figure 1.2B for the 1987 election result at the same time .
17 Upper and lower case variables of the same name are different .
18 The car division of America 's Ford made a $176m net profit in the first quarter of 1993 , compared with a $16m loss in the same quarter last year .
19 Figures from the Public Health Laboratory Service ( PHLS ) revealed 7,848 confirmed cases of salmonella during the first six months of this year , a 17% decrease over the same period last year .
20 Associated with this is the cross comparison of highway and rail investment on the same cost benefit basis .
21 To a lesser extent the preacher and the witness stand in the same relationship to their message , as they declare what has been revealed to them or that which they have personally witnessed .
22 Estimation of a sybject 's proliferation index with the same precision using two biopsy samples requires 10 crypts in total for PCNA and 14 for BrdU .
23 He thought : He has acquired the mystique of the story-teller and , glancing at the ring of fire-lit and intent faces , he was suddenly reminded of his first village school , of the children clustered round Miss Douglas at three o'clock on a Friday afternoon for the half hour of story-time , and felt a pang of pain and regret for those lost days of innocence and love .
24 Indeed the general range was very similar to what we have met among Royal Institution Discourses at the same date .
25 If we can suspend the rigidity of the traditional comparisons , we can realise that Matisse and Picasso are in many respects part of the same enterprise .
26 He saw the horse rise in the same fraction of a second as the recoil jabbed his cheek .
27 ‘ Concurrent validity ’ ( C3 ) is the agreement between the test scores and some criterion measure at the same point in time , while ‘ predictive validity ’ ( P ) refers to the agreement between test scores and some criterion measure obtained sometime later .
28 Jones searches for chinks of light in a dark age for women 's tennis David Foot on a former champion and her bright sparks aiming high in Cardiff .
29 Jones searches for chinks of light in a dark age for women 's tennis David Foot on a former champion and her bright sparks aiming high in Cardiff .
30 For the NMDA channel to open , and thus to trigger the induction of LTP , it is necessary for two events to occur simultaneously : the membrane must be sufficiently depolarized to expel Mg 2+ from NMDA channels at the same time that L-glutamate has , by binding to NMDA receptors , promoted their opening .
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