Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [verb] some [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The following case study illustrates some of the points covered above in the selection of appropriate software .
2 This chapter attempts to highlight some of the ways that policy considerations affect the provision of materials in academic and public libraries .
3 This chapter attempts to raise some of the contextual issues that impinge on the inner-city debate .
4 In second year , the zoology course reviews some of the major animal groups , their behaviour and ecology .
6 Prestatyn Coun Richard Edwards said some of the proposed changes were ‘ ludicrous ’ .
7 In his introduction Piero Pazzi discusses some of the more piquant examples : in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council well-meaning but misguided parish priests broke up their own collections to help the poor .
8 In the final chapter Becker discusses some of the problems involved in the study of crime and deviance .
9 Apart from the noisy inconvenience of the odd low-flying jet , the Palam Air Force ground offers some of the best practice facilities on the sub-continent .
10 Jacobus van Huysum ( c.1687–1740 ) brother of the famous Dutch flower painter , Jan ( 1682–1749 ) , lived at Chelsea from 1720 to 1740 and worked in the Physic Garden to provide some of the illustrations for John Martyn 's Historia Plantarum Rariorum ( 1728–37 ) .
11 Six mobile offices were even stacked in pairs across the college lawn to accommodate some of the dozens of people employed by the Board especially for the event .
12 The company has been forced to sell land and stock holdings to recoup some of the shortfall .
13 The retinal nerve cells process some of the information and then send it through the optic nerve to the brain .
14 The fate of the six people involved in the snackbar death reflected some of the bad practices which they said should be corrected through the institution of a truly socialist legal system which had human rights incorporated into it .
15 From the ultra modern to the more traditional feminine style , Lorraine Ramsey presents some of the current choices
16 Currently Spain 's Costa del Sol offers some of the best investment opportunities in land and property available anywhere in Europe .
17 Harbourside cafes , palm trees , arrival by Simplon Orient Express , ‘ 30s evenings with casinos and Palm Court Orchestras , and mouth watering seafood — travel writer Carol Wright describes some of the more delicious options open to delegates to the Booksellers Association Annual Conference in Torquay
18 His father had installed a Spiel petroleum engine to drive some of the machinery in his workshops , and Herbert was inspired to work on the problem of developing an internal-combustion engine that would run on heavier ( and safer ) grades of fuel oil .
19 The new paper and Table 2 list the extent to which the Atapuerca sample shows some of the characters typical of H. erectus ( late European ) , Neanderthals , and modern H. sapiens .
20 To demonstrate that not all biomaterials are used in direct tissue replacement , but may be used for other functions , Pankaj Vadgama discusses some of the special problems encountered when using invasive biosensors to detect changes in physiological parameters such as blood-gas levels and pH levels , at specific sites .
21 The drawings and the divided bar graph show some of the choices of the British people in 1980 .
22 The Law Society supports some of the Commission 's main recommendations , such as : —
23 The South West has some of the highest levels of household radon in the country .
24 Jane Carter reviews some of the latest equipment and clothing
25 Spotting an ideal target for a send-up , Dennis Spooner wrote his teleplay deliberately as a spoof of Carry On Cleo ( which , in turn , was a spoof on Quo Vadis ) , even down to persuading Verity Lambert and Director Christopher Barry to hire some of the cast of the film , for example Gertan Klauber .
26 Sir : Clive Fewins 's article ( Weekend , 7 October ) rightly praised the excellent work of the Redundant Churches Fund , but it should also serve as a reminder that there is still no Redundant Chapels Fund to conserve some of the best examples of Non-Conformist buildings , many of which are in imminent danger of demolition or drastic alteration .
27 I had gone to South America to view some of the ecclesiastical architecture there .
28 The present book does not pretend to do more than help students to lay some of the foundations of scoring methods , but of course they should be encouraged to keep abreast of all fruitful developments that take place .
29 Going Out to Galleries : Dalya Alberge selects some of the artists and installations selected for the National Review of Live Art
30 Julia Snell describes some of the functions they have to perform off the slopes
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