Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly the huge wooden arched door was sprung open and Fernando Serra stepped out of the gloom of the house and into the almost indecent brilliance of the sun .
2 PROFITS reached an all time high for the Food & Agriculture Division announced by for the year ending December 31 , 1992 .
3 Peace People development co-ordinator Patrick Corrigan looks back on the mass rallies of 1976 .
4 They sat in the parlour , on the evening of Saturday , September 2nd , waiting for Menzies ' man Allan Stewart to come back with the news from Blair Atoll .
5 He said that the official in charge of antiquities at the Nasiriya Museum had received from the Americans a ‘ very small number ’ of terracotta objects dating back to the dawn of mankind and the Babylonian period , some of which had only recently been broken .
6 Living history approaches , allowing children to dress up and experience activities carried on in the past can be extremely successful in the primary school .
7 The colourful draperies of the various stands and tents billowed and flapped gently , as the denizens of Little Tuckett strolled about on the freshly clipped lawns of the vicarage garden , taking in the various delights on offer .
8 Kenneth Baker came up in the House to offer congratulations .
9 ‘ But the crucial thing is to see that budget deficit coming down on a medium term basis convincingly .
10 All nine members of the crew were killed when their RAF Hercules went down during a treacherous low level flying mission through the Grampians 19 days ago .
11 Tables listing 60 endowment companies published in the periodical Planned Savings show that the top performers for endowment policies paying out at the end of 1990 could do anything up to twice as well as companies at the bottom of the table .
12 To make the railings , press halved cocktail sticks point down into the icing at 2cm ( ¾inch ) intervals all the way round the front edge of the deck — about eighteen in all .
13 In the 3rd division Hereford got off to a flyer against Chesterfield at Edgar Street .
14 The cloverleaf aperture shone down on the Bible Room like a brilliant blue sun , driving away the dark shadows , shrinking the inflated terrors of the night to their proper proportions .
15 Nearly fifty years ago Peggy Lucas walked out across an airfield to fly a Spitfire for the first time … now she 's about to come bang up to date with a helicopter .
16 Nearly fifty years ago Peggy Lucas walked out across an airfield to fly a Spitfire for the first time … now she 's about to come bang up to date with a helicopter .
17 For several minutes Morse looked down at the turbid , turgid river ; and his thoughts were as restless as the waters below him .
18 An inexpensive sweet Muscat which is from the Mediterranean coast of Spain , boasting sultana and honey notes tagged on to the familiar medley of citrus fruits .
19 The youngest of whom , she discovered , was only six weeks old , and was brought from the bedroom in an elderly bassinet to be fed , not mother 's milk , but some patent milk powder made up with the dubious water from the outside tap .
20 Margaret had one of the first major heart operations carried out in the UK more than 27 years ago in Edinburgh .
21 Erm , I had a bit difficulty coming up with a case , actually , erm , this
22 To the left of them , a conch shell brought back from the Indian Ocean curled mysteriously in on itself , like the pink and white entrance to another world .
23 Muir , omitted from the event last year after an administrative error , needed just 15 ends to help heal the wounds as he sent New Zealand 's Gary Lawson tumbling out of the championship .
24 Goschenen then is the place of decisions : whether to take the tunnel through to Italian-speaking Ticino and southern climes , or to proceed to Andermatt on the old Gotthard road which now climbs sharply up to cross the Reuss tributary and after some hairpin bends enters the forbidding rock walls of the Schollenen gorge which took centuries for road builders to master , first by bridle paths on suspended plank bridges and in more modern days by tunnels and galleries as well as daring bridges Emerging from the gorge the road crosses the Reuss waterfall on the " Devil 's bridge " and enters the wide Urseren valley in which Andermatt lies , occupying the strategic position at the " crossroads of Switzerland " or even of Europe — where the main west-east route carved out of the high alpine massif by the Rhine and Rhone rivers crosses the north-south route gouged out by rivers Reuss and Ticino .
25 Herr Nordern sank on to the sofa and , astonishingly , found himself holding his wife 's hand , and feeling hers firmly gripping his .
26 As Ian Macdonald points out in The New Immigration Law ( Butterworths , 1972 ) :
27 And just past Morfa Mawddach station an RSPB woodland trail leads off to the right .
28 Armed vigilante groups fight back against the gangs , adding to a vicious circle of violence .
29 Programme assistant Ian Edgar stood in at the last minute .
30 Newport were in shreds as Marcus Hannaford cleaned up for the third try .
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