Example sentences of "[verb] as [adv] as [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 No , he had n't seen her for a week before that weekend ; he had missed her — this with a baleful glance towards the door — and had indeed got as far as ringing her up on the Saturday morning , hoping she would come up for Sunday , but had got no answer from her flat .
2 Even then , he had not got as far as thinking what would be the music that introduced the News and all at once the screen was filled with a picture of his own house , a picture that nearly jolted him out of his skin .
3 The highest rating was £100 a year , the next 100 marks , which was equated with ‘ other ’ landowners of £100 , the implication perhaps being that the latter had not yet got as far as quartering their arms .
4 A few minutes later , when she 'd got as far as wrapping herself in her host 's dressing-gown , Penry Vaughan knocked loudly on the door .
5 What heartened as well as chastened me about the letter was his wish to see more of my writing .
6 ‘ I got as far as unpacking my summer wear … ! ! ’
7 He got as far as lifting his head and getting one shoulder off the seat , but then collapsed back onto the leather , and let his eyes close .
8 Even in her dazed and painful state his imperious , if not to say imperial manner amused as well as annoyed her .
9 ‘ THE shareholders must be hoping the bank has n't gone as far as to give him a company credit card ’ — Labour leader John Smith , on ex-Chancellor Norman Lamont 's new employer , Rothschilds Bank .
10 go as far as to say we probably know less about what 's going on than he does .
11 Some district societies also want an assurance that the Institute will not take on additional regulatory responsibilities without consulting the membership : some go as far as urging it to oppose any future legislation to extend statutory regulation of members ' activities .
12 Indeed , Stein went as far as to wish his players ‘ all the best for the future . ’
13 But with Barnet owing £1.3million and the players and staff unpaid for three weeks , Stein believes it is unlikely the crisis can be averted and went as far as to wish his players ‘ all the best for the future . ’
14 Typically , teen magazines like Smash Hits , were soon on the case and presented them as a ‘ new ’ band , although none went as far as dubbing them the customary , overnight success .
15 Indeed , one correspondent went as far as to call it the ‘ sexiest ’ although that must be debatable .
16 Uncle Joe subjected me to the same torture and humiliation every time we were alone together — although , thankfully , he never actually went as far as raping me .
17 In fact , I would go as far as to say he 's a slob .
18 ‘ In fact , I 'd go as far as to say you 've got the worst case of it I 've ever seen . ’
19 ‘ So you could n't go as far as saying who it might have been calling on the Rector at that late hour ? ’
20 The final text substitutes waistcoat for frock-coat — ‘ I do n't think they 'll get as far as taking my waistcoat off ’ — even better for the pampered softy with his vein of oldwomanish guile .
21 Only in the last ten years or so had he been able to give up going to the country towns and villages for uncomfortable , if lucrative , one- or two-day visits ; only then had he found it possible to move from Jewtown to commodious rooms in Patrick Street , Cork 's main thoroughfare , where he could live as well as have his surgery .
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