Example sentences of "[verb] as [adv] as she could " in BNC.

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1 Opening it wide , she shouted as loud as she could : ‘ I 'm warning you lot , one more noise and I 'll come up there and scalp the arses off yer ! ’
2 He had kissed and fondled her and she had responded as well as she could but they had both been too aware of each others inexperience and uncertainty to achieve fulfilment .
3 She returned Travis 's kiss warmly , then bent as well as she could to hug Jonas .
4 If she was judged on her effort , then she regards the judgement as unfair since she tried as hard as she could .
5 She continued walking as fast as she could away from Emminster .
6 Roman drank coffee while she ate as quickly as she could .
7 Instead of another row with her mother , she had decided that she must get to the bottom of things by going up to the Hall and speaking to Miss Hatherby , and she pedalled as fast as she could .
8 ‘ Yes , ’ Ellie added as fiercely as she could .
9 ‘ Not at all , ’ Constance replied as calmly as she could .
10 Constance came hurrying as fast as she could with her stick .
11 Instead she walked as fast as she could towards the river , past the mean little houses below the cathedral .
12 ‘ I 'm afraid Guy 's not here right now , ’ Virginia began as evenly as she could , painfully conscious of the debauched image her tousled appearance must present .
13 ‘ If we could get back to business , ’ she began as calmly as she could , ‘ I 'd like the use of an office and a telephone , and a list of phone numbers — suppliers , customers , Press , the business fair organisers … ’
14 I was halfway across the floor of this valley when Ann came running past ; when I say running , I mean as fast as she could stumble over the uneven ground , pack on her back , carrying her fishing-rod .
15 Mrs Blakey asked as casually as she could , pushing a packet of wafer biscuits towards Kate .
16 She fought as hard as she could against the iron grip , the bands of steel that were restricting her , trying to push her over like Mark .
17 She let out her pent-up breath in a loud gasp of relief ; then she bent over the handlebars and sent the bike whizzing as fast as she could pedal it across the remaining hundred yards or so of field .
18 She pulled as hard as she could .
19 ‘ We looked round , and there was Anna , crawling as fast as she could to me .
20 ‘ A-actually , ’ she managed to stammer as haughtily as she could , ‘ I 'm not playing at all , but you wo n't believe me . ’
21 She had driven as far as she could and now stopped the car .
22 She flew out of bed , out of the room , across the landing , down the stairs , treading as heavily as she could and wishing she had hobnailed bats on instead of bare feet !
23 She forced herself to keep as still as she could , allowing her limbs to slacken , so that he would n't get the wrong idea .
24 The first was a short man who was walking along the street , and the second was a little girl who was running as fast as she could .
25 Nenna shook off her other shoe and began half walking and half running as fast as she could , not looking behind her , Laburnum Street , Whiston Street , Hows Street , Pearson Street , a group at the end of Cremers Street who stood laughing , probably at her .
26 After school , she took as long as she could dawdling back .
27 She sunk her teeth , biting as hard as she could .
28 Can you wonder that Virginia , the Elf Second , used to put her head down , keep her eyes fixed straight in front of her , and pedal as hard as she could past Wardle Wood and the old woman who lived in the cottage in the middle of it .
29 The intensity of Comfort 's concentration was almost palpable and Julia lay as still as she could and breathed as carefully as her sodden lungs would allow so as not to disturb her .
30 She sang as well as she could , hitting the right notes — she never had any problem with that — but it was pretty dreadful singing , so lifeless and uninspired , not the way she had been singing during the weeks before Gesner 's arrival .
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