Example sentences of "[verb] become [adv] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In all these cases , what needs to be inferred is the relationship between what has become generally conceptualized in grammatical form and what is particular in context .
2 Although it is neither in England nor Anglican , the ecumenical community at Taizé in France has become well known in recent years as a place of pilgrimage , especially by young people , and its music has a profound and growing influence in our churches .
3 Somewhere deep down , your idea of what it is to be a person , to truly engage in the world , has become critically interfused with childish fantasy .
4 The ascendancy of Keynesian economics , which was reflected in policy-making in the 1950s and 1960s , has become increasingly challenged in recent years .
5 He clearly understood that the postmodern audience is radically different from previous audiences in that it brings to the marketplace a set of ideal interests that are no longer connected with meanings , but in which demand has become increasingly oriented to detached , shallow , and meaningless signifiers that he obligingly produced .
6 The distinction between sight and time deposits has become increasingly blurred in recent years , with interest being paid on current accounts and with instant-access , no-penalty , high-interest accounts .
7 But it has become increasingly confined to manual staff other than footplate , and there has been a trend towards sectional , occupationally-based unionism in BR ( Streeck et al.
8 These observations support previous conclusions that the external anal sphincter response to rectal distension is a spinal reflex , that has become extensively modulated by conscious mechanisms .
9 In this environment official intervention in the foreign exchange markets has less chance of achieving even short-term success , with the result that floating has become less managed in recent years .
10 At the same time , we have still a great deal of development work to do to make the bilingualism which has become so accepted in other language fields directly applicable to deaf education .
11 The method has become so ensconced in public law thought that today we seem incapable of recognizing any work which predates Dicey ; it is as though he invented the subject .
12 Many centrally determined policies are implemented via the managers of housing ; therefore it has become more accepted in recent years to adopt a managerialist stance in analysing access to housing .
13 The domestic drinks market today offers a far wider range of products to choose from , while production has become more concentrated in major ‘ drinks ’ companies with a wide drinks portfolio .
14 By the time of the Report such social exploration and documentation had become firmly linked to public policy and administration , especially in terms of a " structure of feeling " which Raymond Williams has identified as " social conscience "
15 ‘ In the circumstances , although I could have wished he 'd delayed his visit another hour or so , the edge of my temper had become somewhat dulled by recent events .
16 By the winter of 1916–17 the High Command had become seriously worried by rank-and-file disaffection .
17 Since the 1970s , water purification plants have cleaned up the lake , which had become seriously polluted by heavy metals and organic compounds discharged by industrial plants .
18 The slow down in the rate of growth in the Eurocurrency market-growth that has been just about static since the early 1980's — can perhaps be attributed to the fact that domestic markets have become increasingly deregulated , while the foreign currency activities of domestic banks have become increasingly regulated by domestic central banks .
19 ’ I have become increasingly frustrated with various comments made , and the autocratic way in which decisions are made , and the secrecy — the fact that all the committee meetings that are actually doing the work are held in secret . ’
20 Questions of pollution control and industrial responsiveness to environmental threat have become particularly pressing in recent years .
21 Two aspects of Saussure 's thought that have become well established in popular-academic consciousness are the distinctions between ( a ) langue and parole , a language-system and its particular manifestations ; and ( b ) ‘ signifier ’ and ‘ signified ’ .
22 We have become so used to spiteful obituaries that it was pleasant to find some kind thoughts about a dead writer .
23 In more advanced bryozoans of the Mesozoic to Recent individual zooids have become specialized for particular functions — some have become totally modified to curious , snapping structures looking remarkably like miniaturized parrot heads , which may function to prevent the settling of larvae of unwanted alien organisms on the bryozoan colony .
24 As the entrance requirements for universities , colleges and the professions have become more demanding in recent years , so increasing numbers have stayed on for a Sixth Year to study for Certificate of Sixth Year Studies examinations , to take ‘ crash ’ courses or modules in new subjects or to upgrade their existing results .
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