Example sentences of "[verb] over the [num ord] [num] year " in BNC.

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1 To these eight , a further thirteen children were added over the next twenty years .
2 It is absolutely clear and I want to make it clear that we may not be doing anything tomorrow or the next day , we 'll all be , we 'll all be try to understand and determine is how we will deal with the issues in as and if traffic develops over the next ten years or so and that strategy will then form the basis under which we will try to resist city area that we did not see there .
3 okay Why do you think that intra industry trade has risen , say over the last fifty years ?
4 But can you just give me , sort of , a brief overview of what 's happened to the composition of world trade right , say over the last hundred years or so .
5 After this chronological march through the archives , Jane Brown devotes the second part of her weighty book to the delightfully rich seam of garden buildings and ornament designed over the last 400 years .
6 Cos in actual fact there was a , a lot of sort of de facto redistribution because er some of these account settling things were just so ridiculous you know make them pay for crimes their family had committed over the last sixty years or whatever .
7 =23 , p=0.071 , with the number of accidents reported over the last five years .
8 The projected increase this year is a further 25% over 1991/92 prices , and since the Library 's budget this year is the same as last year , drastic cuts in subscriptions were essential to avoid further damaging our bookfund , which has already been substantially eroded over the last three years .
9 The pace of investment is planned to increase over the next five years with over £50 million of expenditure planned in new and improved port facilities and associated infrastructure .
10 Though the number of people over the age of 65 is predicted not to increase over the next 10 years and to rise slowly thereafter , the profile of this group will change considerably .
11 LaBudde documented for the first time , on video and in his diaries , the suffering and death of thousands of dolphins in a tuna fishing practice known as ‘ fishing on porpoise' ’ , which has over the last 30 years killed between 6 and 12 million dolphins in the eastern Pacific .
12 Nearly 100,000 TR6s were built over the next 7 years and 90% went to America , where it caught on as a winner on road and track .
13 Nearly 100,000 TR6s were built over the next 7 years and 90% went to America , where it caught on as a winner on road and track .
14 The report , compiled by the Washington-based International Institute for Energy Conservation , says that a total of £1.2 trillion could be saved over the next 40 years if the Bank provided adequate support for energy efficiency in transport , industry , power stations and the domestic market .
15 It is merely the application of some basic rules of human behaviour that researchers have uncovered over the last hundred years or so .
16 ‘ This report surely demands a rethink by both the Government and the senior management of BR of the policies that they have adopted over the last 10 years . ’
17 V.W. Yes , I mean that 's something that when I first started I would n't have said , but I 've seen over the last six years changes in the governors and the role of the governors and I sense very much so that now they want Catholic appointments .
18 Certainly , we have seen over the last seven years in Britain new educational legislation of a kind which is having a profound influence upon practice in education departments and schools — for better or for worse .
19 He decided the wisest course was to pool all he had made over the last two years , enabling Julian to purchase the lease of a high street property .
20 Between them , the Waleses have established a way of operating over the last ten years that is unmistakably their own ; and quite unlike any other branch of the Royal Family .
21 IT is a great privilege and pleasure for me to honour my old friend and colleague John Gillam , with whom I have worked and argued over the last thirty years .
22 No matter what the definition , statistics show that the government sector of the economy has expanded over the last 150 years ( see Fig. 15.6 ) , both in money and real terms , and as a percentage of National Income .
23 He says over the last five years it 's got far more popular … it 's a sport which is developing … it 's just opening up as a competitve sport …
24 Er , we did it erm , er just after 1919 when er , er we started backing the white Russians and erm , before we write off erm everything the Communist er Government of er Russia has done over the last seventy years as being evil , what I think we 've got to be aware of is that we may once more be unleashing the forces of nationalism , which in 1914 , and I think of going up er in the period in the thirties very much lead to erm two world wars , and er I 'd like to know more about er some of the forces the so called democratic forces that are backing erm Mr Yeltsin .
25 The truth is that for a weekly paper in something as effervescent and ethereal as pop , all that we 've done over the last 40 years is not as important as what we do next week .
26 A re-assessment of meteorological data collected over the last 100 years has confirmed that the earth has warmed by 0.5C over that period .
27 The hole would appear over the next 20 years at Hemerdon , just outside Plymouth — the scene of western Europe 's biggest deposit of tungsten .
28 With a view to er recording all the drawings that we 've produced over the last fifteen years .
29 He does n't correspond to any of the multiple fictions produced over the last hundred years or so by a long line of social reformers and slum missionaries of what the working class should be .
30 For the truth is that few Bibles produced over the last 370 years have any substantial value , neither have a great many from the period before that .
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