Example sentences of "[verb] those who [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She found those who had fled from Re 's anger in the desert and killed very many of them , thus gaining the name of Sekhmet , the lioness goddess of war , with whom she is here identified .
2 Through all the recriminations and pledges of support , Mr Taylor maintained a dignified refusal to criticise those who had voted against him because of his colour .
3 In return the monarch undertook to protect those who had come under his ‘ high hand ’ .
4 Category B covered those who had lived in Britain for some time and showed no obvious signs of hostility .
5 Christy went back across the sea for a ceremony on Leros to commemorate those who had died for their countries during the five day battle .
6 Although these proportions changed subsequently , particularly among the 55–59 age group , after three years only one in four of the whole group ( excluding those who had retired at the normal pension ages ) were in work .
7 A rehabilitation programme restored most ‘ middle peasants ’ to their homes and wives , leaving those who had benefited from their expropriation resentful .
8 The PSOE government at first tried to break the pattern by appointing a ‘ professional ’ businessman to the chairmanship in 1983 , and by purging those who had come to RENFE as a result of their political connections with earlier governments ( see Diario 16 , 4 , 5 February 1983 ) ; about twenty people who had held senior posts in the previous UCD administration were on RENFE 's pay roll when the PSOE came to power ( Cinco Días , 2 November 1983 ) .
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