Example sentences of "[verb] just be [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In this case the unnatural occurrence is that my black-hearted old dad has just been striped by the Lloyds Bank Access card mafia , and is taking it quietly .
2 There is a hollow boom of surf as if some massive object has just been chucked into the sea .
3 Although written many years ago , Lady Chatterley 's Lover has just been reissued by the Grove Press , and this pictorial account of the day by day life of an English game-keeper is full of considerable interest to outdoor-minded readers as it contains many passages on pheasant raising , the apprehending of poachers , ways to control vermin and other chores and duties of the professional game-keeper .
4 Erm it comes back to the point which has just been made about the er , about the erm why have this system of election by thirds and almost backfired on , on , on , on the leader of the council yeah ?
5 While this has just been confirmed for the next 10 years , until recently there was some doubt as to whether it would be renewed .
6 The first global report on air and water pollution , food contamination and their effects on health has just been prepared by the United Nations Environment Programme .
7 In the General Prologue the Reeve is thus described : and : and the Host responds to the serious reflections of the Reeve 's Prologue accordingly : But the Host too has appropriated a character , as judge and ruler of the tale-telling game , that takes him beyond the predictable attributes of his normal station in life : while in the fiction of the Tales , the Miller has just been attributed with the strengths of the court poet Chaucer as a narrator .
8 The hon. Gentleman has just been reminded of the shabby teachers ' pay record of the Labour Government whom he supported some years ago — It was his Government then , although their successors may not be represented on the Front Bench in quite the way that the hon. Gentleman would wish .
9 Contraceptives can not be sold freely — Ireland 's Family Planning Association has just been fined in the courts for putting condoms on sale in a Dublin record store — and divorce is illegal .
10 His graphic story has just been published in the Darlington Postgraduate Journal , edited by doctors at Darlington Memorial Hospital where he was treated after his second stroke .
11 A survey * of studies of costs has just been published by the OECD 's general economics division ( which shows how mainstream economists are being drawn into what was once a green ghetto ) .
12 Research in assessment IX has just been published by the Assessment Group of the Education Division .
13 This family presents an obvious target for antisense attack , and a protocol to use a retroviral delivery system for antisense treatment in adenocarcinoma of the lung has just been approved in the United States .
14 Keith Fuller has just been picked by the News of the World from 1,000 entries as THE British answer to the new President .
15 Papillon has just been recaptured for the fourth time .
16 Buckingham Palace has just been opened to the public , and several hundred people , ready to fork out the £8 ( $12.50 ) admission charge , wait patiently .
17 I frowned like someone who has just been put on the spot and is afraid of making a fool of himself .
18 By nine , the playroom was like something censored out of Gremlins , and I spent most of the morning as a cross between Mummy Bear and Mister Wolf I 'd just been pinned to the floor , it was like an insane asylum in Lilliput , when buti Sikita beckoned me to the phone .
19 But he was angry , having just been hauled over the coals by Kragan and Frick for not getting the Englishman to talk .
20 ‘ Tommy , you 've just been cautioned for the murder of … ‘
21 you 're still interested in , I do n't know whether you 're still interested in speaking but erm , we 've just been approached by the A N C , they 're pulling everybody back , there 's , everybody 's going home .
22 One more thing , if I may , we 've just been told of the government 's first response to the consultation arrangements , sorry , wrong wrong item , it 's all right .
23 So w er we did what we 've just been suggested from the front here you see .
24 Commentary : where an offender is dealt with for a breach of a community service order , he must be sentenced ( if the order is revoked ) in a manner in which he could have been sentenced by the court which made the order , if he is in breach of a probation order , the court may sentence the offender as if he had just been convicted of the offence concerned .
25 ‘ I beg your pardon ? ’ said Mrs Cramp again , reeling back as if she had just been slapped in the face .
26 That was what happened in 1984 when Renault 's Formula 1 programme fell into disarray the season after it had just been pipped at the final post by the Brabham-BMW team .
27 The manuscript had just been discovered in the uncatalogued recesses of the British Museum ; it was exciting work , said the doctor , but difficult : the manuscript was badly damaged and as he had not the money to go to London he was having to work from a smudged xerox copy .
28 Anthony Honoré , retiring Oxford Regius Professor of Civil Law , had just been canvassed by the appointments secretary when I visited him in his panelled rooms at All Souls .
29 Léonie had just been kissed for the first time by a boy .
30 It seemed odd , anyway , to be holding a kind of celebratory dinner , the original highspot of the weekend , when someone had just been killed in the very kitchen where the preparations were taking place .
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