Example sentences of "[verb] just [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are others who are n't even dancing : one who has just gone over to the veranda and plunged his hand into the vat of boiling oil so he could offer a hot puri to a child in tears : another who is standing in the midst of the dancers being continually buffeted as they come and go , and hungrily eating a plateful of raw rice grains .
2 A middle-aged building worker who arrived at the palace — his first time in such a place — after his marriage had broken up , said , " I was a little bit disgusted , they do n't treat you as if you were just unemployed , they treat you like a person who has just crawled out of the gutter . "
3 But the reason I have sat down so quickly is because the old man has just popped out on the northbound platform .
4 ‘ This report has just come in from the Environments Officer .
5 A film editor friend has just come back from a couple of weeks of yoga , a music producer I know goes to St James , Piccadilly , where they have spiritual talks on a Monday evening , while a designer friend does Chi-Kung , a Chinese movement like Tai-Chi , where you have to ‘ stand like a tree ’ .
6 There we have in one of its aspects the likeness of the old country society that has just passed away to the society described by Chaucer : a cool , matter-of-fact treatment of a subject that could have so many overtones .
7 Occasionally flicking back a stray blonde hair , Mrs Bottomley comes to the despatch box as if she has just leapt out of a hair spray advert .
8 The show is hip and happening , dude : the audience looks as if it has just walked in off the King 's Road , the post-modernish set is ultra-cool , the show 's titles are dazzling , the best I 've seen on British television .
9 He has just walked out into a spectacular summer storm .
10 ‘ I think everyone is probably making far too much fuss , and Angela has just taken off for a few days ' holiday . ’
11 stayed and Andy 's and we 'd just gone over to the shops and .
12 But I think they 'd just gone back for the money creed and once you get that well erm they do n't realize that they could be falling into the trap unless we blokes stand firm now to maintain this standard of living .
13 I 'd just turned right off the B1 150 at Fairstead when I nearly crashed into the back of this unlit car skewed across the road .
14 They had been on stand-by since 10.00 a.m. and it was now after one o'clock , but they were as crisp and well-tailored as if they 'd just stepped on to the plane .
15 Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did , always looked as if she 'd just stepped out of a bandbox .
16 Her heart raced like a riptide ; her ears rang and lights fizzed at the back of her eyes as if she 'd just dived deep into the bosom of Ocean .
17 ‘ Steve ! ’ she cried in amazement as he let himself into the apartment , grinning all over his silly face as if he 'd just popped out for a paper that morning and found he 'd won the state lottery .
18 Well a a a at the time , they 'd just changed over from the erm Tenants ' Development Association , to the Tenants ' Action Group , so it was a bit disorganized to begin with , cos we were still sorting out the , everything from what they 'd left over and things , so , but once we 'd got that all so once they 'd got that all sorted out , yeah , it was .
19 Louis looked as though he 'd just got up off the ground after being knocked out in a fight .
20 Singer 's face was flushed as if he 'd just got out of a hot bath .
21 And so , after they 'd just slipped off to the local registery office in the city , they had left for a brief honeymoon in Paris .
22 She 'd just walked in to the nearest doorway and spilled the whole thing to a complete stranger .
23 There was a certain cynicism in the agency girl 's eyes , but Diane was n't somebody who 'd just climbed down off the backwoods bus .
24 The duvet , I 'd just taken back from the dry cleaners !
25 The man who 'd just strolled on to the terrace was tall , very lean , very dark .
26 A.Q. : Towards five-thirty this morning , having just got back from the flower market , I was working in the front quarters of my shop when I got the idea I 'd heard a funny noise just outside the window …
27 The peasants , having just come out to the fields , turn back , uttering loud cries .
28 personally , I 'd have thought that anyone who heard a gunshot round our manor would have just moved away from the window and kept his head down , but I 've got to accept that someone may have phoned .
29 A breakwater would have just risen up above the horizon and come , become slightly more important .
30 I grew up on movies and have always believed that if cameras had been invented before Ur and Og first trod the stone age boards then no one would ever have bothered to invent plays , they would have just leapt straight into the cinema .
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