Example sentences of "[verb] when [pers pn] is [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 There is , however , a danger here that older people will be infantilised when it is implied that they are no longer competent and able to discriminate for themselves .
2 The full measure of that remark may be gauged when it is recalled that he was a senior member of the University Senate and a Fellow of Peterhouse , Cambridge .
3 All of this should be easily understood when it is realised that the effect of the contract being avoided or frustrated is generally that the parties are no longer required to carry out the contract ; they are excused .
4 This goal is about to be reached when it is discovered that a great deal more investment is required .
5 He said : ‘ What is the housewife going to do when she is told that the price of her electricity has now reached 10 pence per unit .
6 This is what is meant when it is reported that a result , according to a particular test , is significant at , say , the 0.001 level .
7 More recently , Twin Peaks ( 1990- ) may be less surprising in its unsettling mix of crime , pastiche and parody when it is recognized that its coauthor , Mark Frost , was also a script writer of the first Hill Street Blues series .
8 Not of course that the reasoning is invalid , or that the paradigm itself can not be questioned when it is sensed that something is going wrong ; indeed it is its destiny to lead eventually to intolerable anomalies and be replaced by another .
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