Example sentences of "[verb] one [prep] [pos pn] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whether ( they ) would allow US investigators to implicate one of their own nationals under US law is doubtful …
2 I ask the House to be careful when it has one of its own Members in its charge .
3 He drew one of his several revolvers and fired a shot in the air .
4 His voice , which sounds like a male version of Dietrich 's , trips over itself when he is trying to communicate one of his many enthusiasms .
5 She regarded Beuno , thinking how fortunate she was to discover one of her own kind in this improbable environment .
6 Michael trained one of his own pigs , Canada Hog , and seven other porkers belonging to local farmers .
7 When Aubrey had accepted one of their many invitations to come on a lengthy visit , it did cross Harry 's mind that his resemblance to his sister might bring back painful memories , but although Aubrey had now been here over a week , he , Harry , had felt no desire to wish himself free of his engagement .
8 Stevenson might have felt one of his own remarks appropriate : ‘ The cruellest lies are often told in silence . ’
9 I shall now break one of my own rules .
10 Unravelled one of her own woollies specially . ’
11 He had seen one of his own men gunned down and two terrorists shot dead .
12 Horace took a long view of excellence ; a very rough idea of his aesthetic commitment to the tradition of Greek letters , and some understanding of the initially cool ( or possibly baffled ) public reception of his Greek-inspired Odes , might be gained if we were to try to imagine one of our own Augustans studiously engaged , while everyone else relied on the staple measure of the heroic couplet , in the production of poems imitating the intricate court metres of the Nordic skald , such as the Drottkvaett , or the Dunhenda .
13 ‘ I could not see one of my own kind suffer , ’ he said , ‘ or leave her to be attacked by crows ’
14 He 's performing tomorrow to help one of his own heroes
15 In the first chilly greyness of dawn , before the sun rose , Sergeant Comstock , of the uniformed branch , who came of a long line of native fishermen , not to say poachers , and knew his river as he knew the palm of his own hand , thankfully abandoned what he had always known was a useless patrol of the left bank downstream , and on his own responsibility borrowed one of his many nephews , and embarked with him in the coracle which was his natural means of personal transport on the Comer .
16 Mike Harding has never been able to afford to buy one of his own clocks , now he 's making one as a retirement present to himself : a memento to a clock firm which could beat the Swiss — but could n't beat the recession .
17 I was still in the news room , though , and near enough to hear one of my own colleagues respond to a video of Terry Anderson in captivity with a dismissive , ‘ We 're not running that ; it 's not newsworthy ’ , as he tossed the cassette to one side .
18 A headmaster friend told me recently that he had burst into a classroom mistakenly thinking some pupils were up to no good , only to discover it was drama ; and I recall one of my own students , in playing the role of a prisoner-of-war camp commandant berating the ‘ prisoners ’ and warning them that he had ways of finding out where the missing prisoner was if he did n't own up , was somewhat taken aback to hear the voice of the school caretaker call from the other end of the drama hall , ‘ There 's a boy here , Mr. Ainscough , skulking by this radiator ’ !
19 " Only one thing could open the French people 's eyes — fear , " he had told one of his former advisers shortly after resigning in 1946 .
20 ‘ As no court has ever attempted to define fraud so no court has ever attempted to define undue influence , which includes one of its many varieties .
21 Despite his absence from the Vouli ( parliament ) which deprived the government of its one-seat majority , an austerity budget for 1993 was approved on Dec. 23 after the opposition Panhellenic Socialist Movement ( Pasok ) withdrew one of its own deputies .
22 Griffiths went down in Welsh history as the first person to be sent off for kicking one of his own players .
23 We 'll be sending one of our own men in in a few minutes . ’
24 Getting one of their own lot decapitated and then losing the body .
25 Cautiously he said : ‘ It 's worth considering getting one of our own men out to the Gulf to investigate — hire a ship if necessary to search … ’
26 In contrast to these results , Slobin and Welsh found that a child was able to imitate one of her own utterances immediately after she had produced it spontaneously , but that errors occurred when the child was asked to imitate the same utterance some minutes later .
27 Lou Macari may be king of the potteries at the moment but on Sunday stoke will be facing one of their own folk heroes … the local paper still has the headlines …
28 Cannon raised one of her own stones to lie shot at the first where they stole a single .
29 In the end I would surreptitiously drop one of my own balls and shout ‘ It 's over here ’ .
30 The official religion in the UK — Christianity — crucially invokes supernatural dreams ; and yet the most devout Anglican would be most unlikely to interpret one of his own dreams as being a message from a deity .
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