Example sentences of "[verb] up his [noun sg] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 As we were turning to follow his directions , he drew up his cuff and showed us the blue tattooed cross that all Copts have on the inside of their wrists .
2 Later , when Aurangzeb ordered the decapitation of the naked fakir Sarmad , an Armenian Jew who had converted to Islam , the sage allegedly picked up his head and walked up the steps of the Jama Masjid .
3 The 35-year-old German , with just two top-10 finishes in his nine previous U.S. Opens , admitted he has speeded up his routine but said if anything it had enhanced , rather than impaired , his performances .
4 Says another curator , ‘ Rusty may not have the vision to say , ‘ We need a Guido Reni at the National Gallery ’ he 's not the sort of person who could walk through the baroque galleries and realise they even need one , though if a curator went to him wanting to buy one , I think Rusty would certainly be supportive of the move , whereas Carter would basically have turned up his nose and said ‘ no ’ ’ .
5 There are some tantalising references to a defence of " fair information on a matter of public interest " , notably in the case of Webb v Times Publishing Co : Donald Hume murdered Stanley Setty , cut up his body and threw it out of an aircraft over the Essex marshes .
6 He should have made up his mind and stood firm .
7 ‘ Jesus , ’ he repeated and turned up his collar and went up the path .
8 He took a last look at the green churchyard , turned up his collar and picked his way respectfully round the side of the church .
9 Cornelius turned up his wristwatch and viewed the hour .
10 More recently Lou has cleaned up his act and started setting the world to rights .
11 He frowned , screwed up his mouth and brushed away the letter .
12 Mister Johnny 's smile vanished and he screwed up his face and puckered his mouth but all that came out was a string of indecipherable , watery sounds .
13 The animal was so tame that it shinned up his leg and dived into a deep pocket .
14 A waiting gowned and masked midwife took the baby , and Dr Jones hitched up his mask and followed her into the incubator nursery .
15 And he he 's always the first one that 'll eat up his dinner and got his hand up ready for seconds !
16 The history master had gathered up his flock and had paused outside the source of power in the Commonwealth and Empire to eulogize on the great men of the past who had entered the hallowed portals .
17 He made up his mind and poured out some more water .
18 When he was released , he sold up his home and moved to Barcelona , where he now had a job in a printing press .
19 Bunny zipped up his jacket and made to go .
20 Rats walked up his chest and began to lick his stubbly chin , obviously enjoying the salt from Yanto 's late night swim .
21 Only with the retirement of Roberts did he get promotion to the new ball , whereupon he stepped up his speed and took 31 wickets against Australia in 1983–4 , although he then reduced it again .
22 Charles piled up his plate and sat on his own in the corner .
23 Cornelius scooped up his chum and scrambled on to the nearest table , scattering antique French tennis racquets .
24 She took Mungo 's case , hung up his mac and led him to a fire as lively as the one in the waiting-room .
25 He pulled up his coat-collar and edged closer to the door , muttering impatiently , ‘ Get a move on , ca n't you ? ’
26 Dalziel pulled up his trouser-leg and began scratching his ankle .
27 Asked if he had any identifying marks he pulled up his sleeve and pointed to a tiny tattoo of an obscene word .
28 He then smashed up his cell and began his detention with a three month sentence for assault and wilful damage .
29 The mullah was very hungry and when he heard that the Emperor was providing a free iftar to anyone who came to the Red Fort he immediately tied up his donkey and went along .
30 Gabriel tied up his pony and followed him .
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