Example sentences of "[verb] up to the [noun sg] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 For every complaint that you have there may be 20 dissatisfied people that have n't actually come up to the school to make their feelings known — they do n't even tell you that they are upset .
2 Miss Foley was ready to go now and had come up to the desk to clear his out tray .
3 has to come up to the house to talk to him and erm like he sort of opens the door and just shuts it in his face cos he finds out the other bloke 's a prince and he 's just standing there in the rain .
4 When the day of the wedding dawned in October , Elizabeth came up to the farm to help Lydia and Martha to prepare for the ceremony .
5 Just before leaving , glance up to the left to see the glazed window through which Franz Kafka gazed upon Catholic services in church from his parents ' flat next door .
6 I might have to walk up to the pier to find a bin . ’
7 In an earthen-floor restaurant a young girl reaches up to the hatch to bring bowls of strongly coriander-flavoured potato soup to a rickety trestle table .
8 Thérèse put on a joyous smile , skipped up to the sofa to kiss her mother .
9 I must just run up to the Casa to make sure the lorry comes back for another load .
10 We were up early the next morning at 06.00 to go up to the station to catch the 07.19 Leighton - Euston train , which is a semi-stopper , it took an hour to get there .
11 There is no reluctance to do arduous tasks ; struggling up to the foredeck to change a sail on a cold , sleety December day is not a problem .
12 He should face up to the need to release those much-needed funds for Scotland .
13 The day was overcast and it was becoming difficult to see what he was typing , so , about noon , when imagination began to fail him , he walked up to the house to inquire from Dorothy whether Isobel would mind if he had better lighting installed in the garage , provided he paid far it .
14 It seemed another play was about to be abandoned but he finally arrived and leapt up to the platform to make a rather more dignified ‘ Entry into Jerusalem ’ .
15 It took well over an hour for the first 48 delegates — who included no Soviet bloc nation , nor India , nor Burma , nor either of the Chinas , nor a scattering of other countries who could not bring themselves to accept Japan 's word — to file up to the podium to sign .
16 Andrew Cunningham , who had been fortunate in having been one of the men brought up to the surface to erect a fence round the subsidence , volunteered to go back down into the unknown to search for his missing colleagues .
17 While he went up to the bar to order , Ellie settled back in her seat , and , with a rather sad light in her eyes , watched him .
18 During the interval , while one of the barmen was taking a mop and bucket to the front of the stage where everybody had been spitting , I went up to the bar to get some more drinks .
19 United Airlines and American Airlines I 've been told are n't really all that good to fly with , mate of ours went up to the airport to pick his parents up , they just got back from a holiday in and er they flew and a , on a seven hour journey , where ever it was they come from , they did n't have any food , no food , nothing , what they done is they , they , they 'd taken a container off , but they had n't put a new one on .
20 Before the visit to Teesside took place Glanville went up to the Polytechnic to discuss plans for the visit , and returned to London after whit he describes as ‘ a bizarre day ’ .
21 which was quicker , took her down to the mission , she stayed in the car till I went up to the mission to get our money signed for our money and come out and er
22 I finished the novel and went up to the Hill to watch the CIA-BCCI hearings .
23 Mr Catlett was deputized to ‘ keep an eye on everything ’ while Perkins went up to the vicarage to make his 'phone call .
24 The DHSS were playing me up over the removal grant , so one of my sons went up to the house to see if there were any letters — everything had been smashed , crocks were smashed and the beds were slashed .
25 During breakfast , when the guest left his room key and tag unattended at the table the criminal replaced the room key with a false one and went up to the room to complete his business undisturbed .
26 She went up to the bedroom to see Anna and they spoke together for a long time . ’
27 She can go up to the castle to beg her food .
28 He promised himself he would not go up to the tower to observe the stars .
29 When I go up to the farm to get Mummy 's eggs , I 'll ask if we could use it for our meetings and … ’
30 When the food taster had stepped up to the table to perform his normal duties , the T'ang had waved him away and , picking up his chopsticks , had taken the first mouthful himself .
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