Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] he and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She knelt up beside him and looked down at his body , a satisfied smile on her face .
2 ‘ He liked you to stand up to him and give as good as he got .
3 Snatching at his gears , Hunt missed , Jody caught up with him and blew past .
4 He plunged for the side , but with three swift strokes Nails caught up with him and collared him round the neck .
5 He was pursued by the customer who had been threatened , who caught up with him and knocked him off his motorcycle ; the offender then threatened him with the gun .
6 ‘ I went to the front of the house and saw the dogs catch up with him and knock him to the ground .
7 After Greenidge and Haynes had put on 96 for the first wicket , Fraser had Greenidge lbw ; immediately after the interval Haynes hit Malcolm 's second ball for four , only for the next ball to leap up at him and give Lamb an easy catch .
8 Somebody used to sit on the carpet at one end of the room with a walking stick and a chalk mark in front of him and the contestants used to have to come up to him and try to rub the marking out and he used to rap the hands with his walking stick .
9 ‘ He thinks he can do what he wants and the rest of the world should line up behind him and follow .
10 ‘ You know the story about Gerhard , looking as he usually does , standing on the steps of Horseguards after a Cabinet Committee , when a kindly person sidled up to him and gave him a quid to buy himself breakfast ? ’
11 Tavalouze sidled up behind him and said in a low voice , ‘ Remove your hood , the veil .
12 If you strolled up to him and started a conversation — on anything — he was anecdotal , pleasant and often revealing .
13 ‘ 'Ere , I 've got one o' them there gramophone fings , ’ she said , looking up at him and slipping her hands into the armholes of her stained flowery apron .
14 ‘ A chef as well , ’ she said sweetly , looking up at him and thinking that he must be awfully tall because she was five-ten , and he towered above her .
15 He does n't know where we are at the moment and if the authorities catch up with him and give him my address it will be more trouble than it 's worth . ’
16 But another goblin tiptoed up to him and whispered , " Tell him the sun-god promised that you would be the mightiest warrior in the world . "
17 As Hugh Paddick remembers : ‘ People then came up to him and asked for his autograph .
18 Seeing him engaged in domestic activity , Tibbles came up to him and began to rub her harsh fur against his legs .
19 But Modigliani did not forget and in 1915 , when Indenbaum met him in Montparnasse , looking pale and unshaven , Modi came up to him and said in a hoarse voice , ‘ I 'm going to paint your portrait . ’
20 He surfed the reef breaks — La Jolla , Windansea , Swamis — until one day someone came up to him and said , ‘ With the kind of lines you draw you should go and surf Hawaii . ’
21 In Andrew Allan 's book of memoirs he relates how he was standing in the lobby of the New York Hotel Algonquin in the summer of 1947 when a man came up to him and said ‘ I 'm Robert Service and I think I recognise you .
22 He was waiting for the crowd to disperse from the grave so he could say his own private farewells when a respectable old lady with a blue rinse came up to him and said , ‘ You do n't remember me , do you , I 'm Mrs Flaherty . ’
23 And as th Jesus come into the house , the blind men came up to him and said and Jesus said to him , do you believe that I am able to do this ?
24 Meg came up to him and tugged at his arm .
25 A waiter came up to him and handed him an airmail copy of some newspaper .
26 Then all the young gentlemen came up to him and shook both his hands very hard , especially the hand which held his few possessions .
27 She came up behind him and looked over his shoulder .
28 Suddenly the Persian came up behind him and took his arm .
29 ‘ The truth is that Patrick was partly terrified of Peter , who came up behind him and thought he knew better what he should do .
30 Accid you know , came up behind him and thought he
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