Example sentences of "[verb] what could be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 More positive thinking survived in one or two parts of the monolithic building in Queen Anne 's Gate , but the overall impression gained by outside observers was of a dispirited department in which no-one really seemed to know what could be done about crime in general and the prisons in particular .
2 And so they had sent him North , not to win , of course , perhaps not even to poll a single vote , but to lay the Charter once again before the people , to let them know what could be done in a land where every man had his vote and the freedom to use it without intimidation , as he and he alone thought best .
3 Perhaps the only creature to rouse what could be construed as a maternal sense in my heart had been the Egyptian cat , and Nour had killed it .
4 If the cavalry were still , in every sense , the army 's natural leaders , the victories of the Flemish burgher forces and militia over French knights at Courtrai in July 1302 , and that of the mountaineers of Schwyz and Uri over the formidable feudal array of knights and footmen belonging to Leopold of Austria at Morgarten in November 1315 had shown what could be done in conditions and terrain unsuited to the effective use of cavalry .
5 Striped shirt tapped a gold pencil thoughtfully against his teeth and said that of course one had every respect for someone wishing to take such a stand and that in that case we must see what could be done with the portfolio as it was .
6 Either it might see what could be done within the area which Kant had left to it ; or it might ask whether there might not after all be rather more to be said about the way in which genuine knowledge of God is made possible .
7 George elected himself to go and see what could be done in the way of sample jars and presently returned with gifts from the Chinese cook in the dome car , in the shape of four rinsed-out plastic tomato-sauce bottles rescued from the rubbish bin .
8 Nigel Lawson showed what could be done with it .
9 Pioneers such as Octavia Hill showed what could be done in altering and repairing sub-standard property and in new methods of housing management and rent collection .
10 Robert Cecil then showed what could be done by raising the profits of wardship from £14,700 in 1597/98 to £22,300 in 1601/02 .
11 This paper 's remarkable success in increasing sales between 1965 and 1969 not only showed what could be achieved by a powerful sales campaign ( which also brought in advertising at higher rates ) but also indicated that new purchasers of newspapers were not attracted to the party press , whose sales remained relatively stagnant .
12 With the white paper scheduled for this week , Mr Major is anxious to avoid what could be seen as another Government muddle and a damaging backlash from his own MPs .
13 In lumpy wind-against-tide conditions off Yarmouth , Rulor 11 had to be steered through the confusion to avoid what could be described as that familiar IOR slam .
14 This chapter examines a study , where , at the outset , the analysts were not entirely clear what could be achieved by using soft systems analysis , but felt it would provide an overview of the situation , enabling ideas to be formulated about new relationships that would arise from a fundamental change in role .
15 By the time the 1958 World Cup was held in Sweden , the international game had reached what could be described as the first flowering of maturity .
16 Museums like the Science Museum now built up collections of enormous value to the historian of science , for the provenance of the pieces is known , and we can only judge past science when we know what could be done with the tools available .
17 For example , Williams calculated the cost per QALY of a range of health care interventions and divided them into ‘ strong candidates for expansion ’ and ‘ less strong candidates for expansion ’ 1 to illustrate what could be achieved by using available data and to argue for further refinements .
18 In their understandable anxiety to save what could be saved of Greek life by cooperating with the Romans , Polybius and , we must add , Posidonius , had left unexplored the most solid substructures of the Roman-Italian complex .
19 Asked what could be described as a difference between France 's success and the rest of the Five Nations , field coach Pierre Berbizier stated : ‘ It is the cup . ’
20 Daily treatment sessions started yesterday at Ibrox to see what could be done about clearing a casualty list of Goram , Gough , Robertson , Steven , Stevens and Huistra .
21 Tilda , an expert mudlark , retrieved most of the purple plastic , but the pieces were broken and it was hard to see what could be done with them .
22 As the Minority Report put it : ‘ The national Authority dealing with the able-bodied requires … what we might almost term a Human Sorting House , where each man 's faculties would be tested to see what could be made of him ; and a series of Training Establishments , to one or other of which the heterogeneous residuum of Unemployed would be assigned . ’
23 There had been pressure from the Tourist Board and Turkish TV crews to start the rafting trip from a particularly scenic and dramatic place and the guides misjudged what could be achieved with a novice crew .
24 At best , she had what could be described as deuterocanonical status ; she was unquestionably outside the usual canon of poets , but occasionally she was rediscovered and even admired .
25 Less than one third of respondents who had a mother living included her as a person to whom they felt very close , and hardly any had what could be described as a ‘ true ’ close relationship with their mother ( using criteria developed from the Brown and Harris study ) .
26 She even promised she would speak to Albert and see what could be done in the way of money .
27 And get back to the designs and see what could be improved upon and what have you .
28 Of five such founding fathers — Marx , Comte , Spencer , Durkheim and Weber — Marx ( 1818–83 ) and Weber ( 1864–1920 ) alone held what could be described as ‘ emancipated ’ views about women .
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