Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun sg] [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 THE expression is solemn , the lines of age etched deeper by the traumas which have torn her family apart over the past year .
2 So she was surprised , and vaguely annoyed , to see Sandra Bamfield picking her way cautiously over the large rocks that had to be scaled to get to the privacy of this particular beach .
3 Alexandra sat in front of her mirror in her new cream silk gown while Lyddy folded her hair carefully over the pads .
4 ‘ She was a lively piece , from what I hear — flying her kite all over the place .
5 There was one girl there today , she was about fifteen or seventeen and she had to put her coat on over the top of the gown because it was
6 She placed her hand lightly over the rose , her eyes meeting his with an answering depth of emotion .
7 Running her mind quickly over the events of the week just passed , she could n't think of anything she had done wrong , and Tom Russell was not the kind of doctor who made mountains out of molehills where nursing procedure was concerned .
8 Jessamy slowly walked forward and rubbed her hand gently over the rough surface of the nearest stone .
9 Doggedly she kept her head down over the jewel-coloured designs , trying to concentrate , but after another few seconds she gave up and laid down her pen with elaborate resignation .
10 Linda put her hand impulsively over the other woman 's gnarled old one .
11 She reached up , feeling him flinch as she ran her finger lightly over the chiselled perfection of his upper lip to wipe away an imaginary trace of lipstick .
12 She ran her hand lovingly over the fabric , kicked off her shoes and exposed a length of leg .
13 There was a marble fireplace opposite the door ; she walked slowly to it and ran her hand lightly over the back of one of the small , velvet-covered sofas that flanked it .
14 Isabel picked her way carefully over the rough bank , the cramped muscles in her legs protesting at the exercise , and took the reins .
15 Although the moon was riding high in the sky , and shedding a rather weird , eerie glow on the flowering shrubs and various trees edging the green lawn , she was surprised at how much more calm and at ease she felt in the soft , enveloping darkness as she picked her way carefully over the sand .
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