Example sentences of "[verb] there [be] no [noun] for " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Heroes : Augusto Odone , who refused to accept there was no cure for his son , and Nick Nolte , who plays him in the film Screen drama : Michaela Odone , played by Susan Sarandon , nurses her son Lorenzo , Zack O'Malley Greenburgh , in a moving scene from Lorenzo 's Oil Prof John Sargent : helped pioneer treatment
2 The menu describes itself as a ‘ Supper Menu ’ and emphasises there 's no need for reservations .
3 The firm 's new owners say there are no plans for more job cuts and they 're promising increased investment to develop the business .
4 It blames the redundancies on increased competition in the industry , but unions say there 's no justification for the job losses .
5 Police say there 's no need for genuine fans to be any more worried now that Swindon 's in the big league .
6 In bringing its fight to the streets of New York , Virgin also hope to win an injunction restraining B A. B A say there 's no basis for the claim .
7 And the grandmother 's homily in all its macabre detail , leading up to ‘ so if the dead could shave there 's no excuse for the living ’ releases a humorous response because it seems just what a respectable parent would say , in desperation to whip her errant son back to the straight ‘ n ’ narrow .
8 She said that my grandad was even shaved by the undertaker when lying in his coffin , so if the dead could shave there was no excuse for the living .
9 However Mr Northfield added there was no scope for compromise , and it was possible tougher action would be required , although he still hopes common sense will prevail .
10 He says there is no justification for doing so .
11 The river Severn itself has started to burst its banks along flood plains , though the NRA says there 's no cause for concern yet .
12 The Association of British Insurers says there 's no need for policyholders to worry .
13 He says there 's no need for anyone to have 26 dogs .
14 The Association says there was no reason for them not to be rented out .
15 The translator says there was no food for us , we had to cross the border and come to Afghanistan .
16 I says there were no need for her to leave them there , we 're gon na bloody create it
17 ‘ Basically we 've looked and said there 's no reason for any knee-jerk reaction or across-the-board actions here , ’ Collis said , adding that Dell will be sticking to its own price timetable .
18 It seemed there was no love for the boy in this house , and though Sarah could hardly believe it , Maggie had let her own well-being be bought at Patrick 's expense .
19 A report by academics for the T U C shows there is no case for abolition .
20 The connecting trench was constantly full of water now , and because the firing-step was in danger of crumbling there was no alternative for someone who wanted to visit the other wheel but to wade through water and mud .
21 ‘ Our overall task is considerably simplified now we know there is no requirement for individual identification .
22 ‘ I know there 's no hope for me , but I sha n't be at peace unless I know he is happy . ’
23 When your whole being was overflowing with loathing and hate there was no room for fear .
24 A post mortem revealed she died from natural causes and the coroner ruled there was no need for an inquest .
25 ‘ Travelling the world , I soon realised there was no hope for mankind or peace without the United Nations . ’
26 He 's experienced discrimination against elderly patients in other parts of the country but insists there 's no justification for it
27 " Unless you can , I fear there is no hope for us . "
28 Rival clubs insist there was no competition for his signature , however .
29 but I mean there 's no reason for me to send them memos
30 Yeah but they basically just do n't want to lose out either way , I mean there was no reason for them to join originally but when events happen and they see the tide turning almost , you know get with the bandwagon , I mean they , they do n't want now to be seen as the minority and the ones under threat , so you go with the er majority , with the , the stronger force
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