Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun] [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But , as time wore on , and the whites of our eyes were still clearly visible , the girls , without missing a beat , subtly modified their glances as if to convey : " God knows we 've tried , you heartless bastards . "
2 confirmed that what was envisaged was , as identified but not without some reservations , a restructuring of the profession with future practitioners gaining their experience among and coming up from the ranks of the newly created cadre of internal auditors .
3 Legal organizations , to be effective in attaining their mandate , have to transmit their policies to and make secure their control over the enforcement agent in the field .
4 At the end of the process , the 13 houses , once inhabited by 200 families , their numbers swollen to 1,000 people by transients who made their way in and slept on the stairways at night , were reduced to lodging 300 or 400 people in 108 rooms , only a quarter of whom were the original tenants , although the rents apparently had not been raised .
5 Ever since the Portuguese annexed Goa in 1510 , the Europeans have had their eyes on or have in some ways dominated Asia and the Pacific ; Western ideas have triumphed here as everywhere else in the world .
6 People may shout , mouth words , wave their arms about or feel generally inadequate and give up .
7 In the end , all the Arab states dug their heels in and demanded refugee repatriation as an essential element to peace , thereby joining Israel in linking the refugee issue to an overall peace .
8 Two of the musicians , carrying the usual cans of Gold Label , pop their heads in and shout : ‘ Break a leg , gang . ’
9 He saw himself as in some way subverting that tradition : they told Hawaiians to put their clothes on and stop surfing ; he was taking his off and going pagan all over again .
10 ‘ We have a lot of people who at tea-time when it 's getting dark , will want to put their coat on and go home .
11 In 1897 Mr and Mrs Currer Briggs bought the most idyllic site they could lay their hands on and wrote to Mr Voysey the architect .
12 Nick Skelton and John Whitaker ‘ performed ’ as the male strippers Chippendales — but for once more people wanted them to keep their clothes on than take them off ! !
13 1967 No. 1462 ) , which governed the work of that body , imposed no obligation to give such reasons ; that in reaching their decision on whether to recommend release , the Parole Board and the local review committee were under a duty to act fairly ; but that the scope of that duty did not include a requirement to give reasons for their recommendation .
14 … they brought their homework in and made a list of … aspects like their use of materials , time , care , etc … so they knew what I was looking for , and then I spoke to each child individually and asked ‘ What would you give this piece out of ten ’ and so we obviously had to define our assessment objectives .
15 In normal circumstances the men would just have forced their way in and relieved him of the weapon .
16 ‘ As soon as I stood up to speak everyone began putting their coats on and getting ready to leave , ’ joked Mal .
17 Dogs in REM sleep sometimes move their legs as if running , and in monkeys the whole face may writhe and twitch .
18 Half carrying , half trailing the inert figure , they reached the factory door , then edged their way in and laid the unconscious form on the floor .
19 The demonstrators pushed their way in and sat down and were lifted out again , limp and unresisting , by the police .
20 MacMillan has made this last song a welcome to the future as the three protagonists quietly and slowly come forwards , their hands linked , gradually raising their heads as if greeting a new day .
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