Example sentences of "[verb] from [noun prp] and [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Language exams and medical tests duly proved no obstacle and in September 1929 Madge ( as her family called her ) sailed from Birkenhead and arrived in Rangoon on 1st October , having politely declined a proposal of marriage on the way out .
2 In early March , during a long visit to the Wordsworths made by Coleridge and Sara — now heavily pregnant with her second child was decided that once Alfoxden had been given up , they should all set sail from England and travel in Germany .
3 Starting from Belfast and moving in an anti-clockwise direction , he completed the trip in a month .
4 The constellation has a distinctive shape , and there are lines of stars extending from Castor and Pollux in the general direction of Betelgeux .
5 In France itself the Valois family had good dynastic reasons for wishing to see Isabella removed from France and embroiled in English domestic politics : Charles IV was the last of the Capetians in the direct male line , and the question of Isabella 's title to the throne , or her right to pass the title to her son , might soon arise .
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