Example sentences of "[verb] she [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd promised to phone Julie that night to let her know she 'd arrived safely and to check on her sister .
2 Dana could put on a good show ; no one would know she had broken down and confessed her need for Roman 's strength .
3 She doubted she 'd had more than three hours sleep the previous night , and Julie only a little more .
4 In passing she had mentioned once that she missed the fox terrier , Rex , they had had many years ago as children .
5 And George says she 's come in and like they ban her from going out .
6 And Mike ; always so good to her , teasing her , making her feel special , as though he had tried to make up for her real father 's dying when she was a baby ; not wanting her to feel left out when Martin had been born .
7 She in turn feels she has painted best when ‘ the ’ dog appears as though it has turned its head to the viewer and is gazing back ’ .
8 He was able to express his own upset at his mother 's absence and said that he thought she had gone away because he had been naughty .
9 TEN years of Conservative government has produced a poor record on environmental issues , but Mrs Thatcher 's ‘ conversion ’ in the past year has meant she has done more than any other world leader to push the issue to the top of the political , business , and economic agenda , says a Friends of the Earth report .
10 Mrs Thatcher 's green ‘ conversion ’ has meant she has done more than any other world leader to push the environment to the top of the political , business , and economic agenda , say Friends of the Earth .
11 When the initial grief of the desertion had passed she had known better than to mention her father 's name .
12 She 's typed up and then said she 's hyped up because her sister works for the R S P C A , and she 's
13 She also claims she has collected more than 3,000 signatures in support of her protest .
14 Of course you can well I knew of a girl who married I would n't say she 'd married well when she started out but her husband was enterprising e eventually got himself quite a good job at the at people who print the bank notes so so that they they started off in a prefab and they ended up with a new four bedroom bungalow with central heating at Athorpe Roding .
15 Steve would have read her note , waited for her to phone and say she had arrived safely and when she had n't he would have driven up to the north of the island to find her .
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