Example sentences of "[verb] they [adv prt] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He pushed open the door at the top and led them out on to the roof , a broad expanse bounded by a high crenellated wall .
2 Corbett just grinned over his shoulder and led them out on to the beaten track down to the village of Woodstock .
3 The porter threw one venomous look at Ranulf , slammed the jack of ale down on the bench , grumblingly unlocked the postern door and led them out on to the white , dusty forest track which snaked between the trees down to Godstowe village .
4 Up in the chestnut branches girls and boys were clambering about , hitting at the spiked green conkers and knocking them down on to the heads below .
5 She lifted her feet , one by one , pressed them down on to the boot-scraper that stood by the back door .
6 ‘ Fräulein Hubert said , when they were getting them back on to the coach after the show , what a wonderful man he was .
7 ’ He tossed them down on to the small saucer on the table .
8 Then , instead of leaving them , the maid began to take plates and glasses off the dresser and carry them out on to the terrace .
9 He rounded them all up , and ushered them out on to the lawn .
10 Drunks were making a din on the stairs and a sculptor was tearing up a collection of Kisling 's drawings and throwing them down on to the head of the concierge .
11 We buy two pints of Taylor Walker and take them out on to the rear balcony .
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