Example sentences of "[verb] they [prep] some [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Poor people do n't want a millionaire among them reminding them of some way in which they failed to make it .
2 Once you have been through the various categories listed above and picked out all the names to be included next step is to arrange them in some sort of order .
3 The nationalist movements and the new nations which made their appearance after the Second World War thus displayed features which distinguish them in some ways from the earlier movements which led to the formation of nation states in Western Europe , because they arose in a very different international context — in a highly developed capitalist world economy , in the aftermath of a division of the world among powerful imperialist nations , and in the midst of political transformations resulting from the growth of the socialist movement .
4 Meryl had joined them with some reluctance after the welcoming address , but the moment had been well chosen ; Anthea and the professor had been deep in conversation with an eager group of ladies from Leicester , leaving Meryl momentarily alone .
5 ‘ I got them in some shop in Covent Garden .
6 A truly usable recognition system would have to learn from whole word recognition techniques and combine them in some fashion with existing segmentation techniques ( Ho et al , 1991 ; Hull et al , 1991 ) .
7 An attempt is being made to provide them with some form of base organisation without which they can not develop full effectiveness .
8 The Soviet statistics were terribly messy and scattered all over the place but Davies and Barker finally succeeded in teasing them out and knocking them into some sort of shape .
9 As the name implies they do not harden permanently but will soften repeatedly if one subjects them to some temperature between about 100° and 150°C .
10 The Russian landlords did not and could not revolt against the tsar , who alone provided them with some legitimation against a peasantry profoundly convinced that the land belonged to him who laboured it , but also of their hierarchic subordination to the representatives of God and the emperor .
11 The Middle English dialects are mainly continuations of the corresponding Old English ones , but it is convenient to designate them in some cases by different names .
12 In the main , however , they employ their temporary workers directly and issue them with some sort of employment contract .
13 This was the last day of these services , and there is talk of reviving them at some time in the future but using modern Sprinter units .
14 Sealed with the papal leaden seal , the bulla or bull , it was the authority for the judges ' actions , outlining any specific points which needed to be brought to their attention , informing them in some cases of the law and declaring their actual powers .
15 Because of the mismatch between processor and transput device speeds , we are led to consider uncoupling the devices from direct processor control and providing them with some degree of autonomy .
16 It will be easy enough to bleach them with some Milk of Magnesia the night before he comes home .
17 Almost all outstandingly creative people are high in assessed IQ , a fact which must surely protect them to some extent from mental breakdown , both directly and indirectly , in the first case , by providing them with more flexible psychological resources to cope with stress and , in the second , by enabling them to make socially valued contributions that strengthen self-esteem .
18 Er people are very very good actually at enduring them and er and taking them in some ways for granted .
19 erm I would suggest that anybody who 's really erm concerned in the way you were can either approach their local Education Authority and ask them for some kind of information on this .
20 She scoops up the rest of the cakes , shoves them into some recess within her tatters , rushes out of the cubicle and disappears into the crowd .
21 That could , that needs to be maintained , it could also be extended , though of course they have great difficulties because of er their , their own financial restrictions , but we also , I think as a community , need to think about who these homeless people are , and , and not to regard them as some kind of alien population , but to realise that there are , they are our own neighbours , they are our own families that are in this predicament , and that collectively we need to join together and actually make demands on central government and locally to try and do something about it .
22 Knowledge Adventure is very good at throwing out nuggets of information , and placing them into some sort of context .
23 I discussed them in some detail in the chapter on event planning .
24 The Yanks had in fact had them for some months in the Scullery apartment .
25 I hope , heaven help me , to bring them into some sort of design and architecture later .
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