Example sentences of "[verb] with the [noun pl] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Pickets were unable to communicate with the strike-breakers as they were whisked by — peaceful persuasion was not possible .
2 ‘ The power to appoint the auditor currently lies with the trustees and they should be allowed to continue to appoint who they see fit . ’
3 It 's a privilege to meet with the students as they seek God 's direction for the future .
4 Perhaps they were justified in recalling early days in makeshift cinemas and perhaps they had to mingle with the masses as they went in search of Chaplin movies , but they must have been aware that prestigious down-town and suburban theatres were now largely being patronized , not exclusively by a lumpenproletariat , but rather by a mix of social classes and perhaps above all by young people who were moving up the social scale into more respectable occupations .
5 Up till now we have only considered the potential uses of the various desktop publishing products but it is important to look at what can be done with the things that they produce .
6 For the past week the Mayor has suffered with the men as they respond to early morning calls .
7 There will be considerable opportunity in this kind of shared activity to talk with the children as they play and for the teacher to discuss the mathematical ideas involved .
8 In the future , I ca n't see E the only one I can see is , What do they do with the flats when they empty .
9 Single-year goods are matched with the revenues that they generate .
10 Forster is a product of those revolutions : he deals with the changes that they brought about , showing women free of the strict codes of respectability and suitability , but defining themselves in pursuit of a new code of emotional truth which still haunts us today .
11 Unlike SSAPs , SORPs are not mandatory but companies are encouraged to comply with the recommendations that they make .
12 Others need precise daily rations of sunlight that change with the seasons if they are to start flowering at a particular time .
13 When the young arrive they often remain with the parents until they are fully , or nearly fully , grown .
14 Unfortunately , it has no effect on the larval stage in the eggs and further applications may need to be given to cope with the larvae as they hatch .
15 He says that they try to deal with the complaints as they come in , but getting enough evidence for an arrest takes time .
16 After that , there being no predestination , it is up to the human being concerned to deal with the problems as they arise — successfully or otherwise .
17 One person must remain at the nets all the time to deal with the rabbits as they become entangled .
18 As a boy , he had liked to scrape around in the fields ; he had eavesdropped when the whereabouts of discoveries were discussed , and walked with the farmers when they ploughed an old olive grove to turn it over to fruit trees .
19 The top management group with which we began this chapter decided to begin to change their organisational defensive routines by beginning with the ones that they create in their own meetings .
20 She was even joking with the nurses as they did it , ’ she recalls .
21 Da Silva said he had tried to reason with the fans but they had drawn guns .
22 Alexander had to argue with the authorities before they would let him compete , but he convinced them that he was descended from the royal house of Argos .
23 Two or three specific problem areas can be identified with the parents that they would like to work on first .
24 A time out procedure had been discussed with the parents and they had used it unsuccessfully at home .
25 Sir , All long-time supporters of the London International Book Fair will rejoice with the organisers that they have reached the point of expansion to Olympia 1 .
26 They fry can be left with the parents until they attain anything up to one inch in length , but it is often advisable to remove the parents long before this .
27 This means that the old people would be left with the abusers unless they wanted to go into care or unless they were themselves mentally impaired .
28 Where children do come into care , close contact is maintained with the parents and they have to pay towards the cost of their children 's upkeep according to their means .
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