Example sentences of "[verb] with the [noun sg] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 But the tenderest difficulty lies with the family if they disapprove .
2 At first she had disliked this , but Rose 's amusement , and the joking of those around them , had infected her , too , and she had found herself giggling and laughing with the rest as they were shuffled along .
3 But they did have a very clear idea of how they wanted the house to look and resigned themselves to living with the mess while they tackled it room by room .
4 THE 15-week ambulance dispute moved into a new area of confrontation yesterday as non-emergency workers in Surrey were threatened with the sack unless they returned to normal working in the new year .
5 And what 's more , how Leeds could have done with the Frenchman as they crashed to their fourth defeat in five games .
6 When the press gets wind of it , the cronyism gives way to abuse of power , as people whose worst offence is to have arranged expensive air trips are smeared with the rumour that they are to be subject to criminal investigation .
7 ‘ I am also sure that the House will sympathise with the wish that they should both be afforded a degree of privacy .
8 She would be bait , Zeno would be drawn , then Pascoe would appear with the gun and they 'd be asking a few hard questions .
9 You now try to connect these two perceptions , by saying that ( a ) the rhyme scheme causes the cheerfulness ; or ( b ) there is a relationship between the rhyme scheme and the cheerfulness , but it is one of correlation ; or ( c ) the regular rhyme scheme is connected with the cheerfulness because they are both caused by something else ( such as the genre or subject matter of the poem , perhaps ) ; or ( d ) there is in your view no relationship between the rhyme scheme and the feeling , and they coincide without there being a causal or correlative relation between them .
10 And the pirates were so busy discussing the problem , and what they would do with the reward if they won it , that they did n't notice that they were being observed from the window above by none other than the new Mayor and his entourage .
11 Dealers , debt collecting in pairs , were often so frustrated with the task that they did other things instead .
12 The major brewers do not have to evict tenants to comply with the requirement that they release pubs from ties by 1 November 1992 .
13 They checked with the firm and they said they did n't repair it , so he got the sack .
14 The therapist arranged with the couple that they would attend between four and six conjoint sessions as outpatients during the next 3–4 weeks in order to explore ways of improving their relationship , particularly their lack of social life together , and of helping Charles control his physical aggression .
15 She agreed with the Shah that they could not and should not use massive bloodshed to keep the throne .
16 Because the development officer in Ipswich was not able to see these institutionalised clients in their own homes she understandably found it hard in many cases to say whether or not she agreed with the decision that they should not return home .
17 Throughout the period under discussion , successive government initiatives stimulated vigorous public and professional debate , since even the early tentative moves were treated with the suspicion that they presaged even more decisive government ‘ interference ’ in what was a local or professional matter .
18 They were able to deal with the problem because they discovered a stream running through an eighteenth-century tunnel next door .
19 Luckily the Doctor remembers , from a previous visit , how to deal with the trap and they escape .
20 To keep the training crew occupied I sent them away to this vessel for a day 's rummage and to my pleasant surprise it was not long before they returned with the news that they had unearthed a vast cache of spirits and cigarettes in the ship 's hospital .
21 It 's something to do there 's a clue the clue to Switzerland is something to do with the way that they make their electricity .
22 When older people think of the past they are not just taking stock of their lives but trying to decide what to do with the time that they have left , and trying to do so in relation to concluding or making sense of what has gone before .
23 This defines the area and clearly specifies what they are going to do with the information once they have found it .
24 Grobbelaar had much to do with the fact that they were not .
25 The reasons for learning each task are shared with the child and they are encouraged to choose an optimistic alternative in every situation .
26 I usually start at the walls because I find it easier to think up the general colour scheme first , but many people prefer to start with the floor because they automatically think of carpet and presume that this will be the most expensive item .
27 Reverting now to spatio-temporal relations , the assumption of their irreducibility to monadic predicates is linked with the assumption that they depict an objective order , and if such relations are taken to depict an objective order , then it is clear that we shall have to assume the possibility of a plurality of biographically distinct points of view , occupied by different percipients , before we can make any significant inferences about the ontological distinguishability of their terms .
28 and er , it was bad enough the , the last one , erm , and I started with the Corporation when they opened at Turlings in that , that was in nineteen forty eight
29 Even Riven laughed with the rest as they piled into the inn Finnan had told them of , and Ratagan wished the landlord good day in a roar that made the poor man cower .
30 It 's helps them cope with the experience if they if they if they do n't define it as abusive .
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