Example sentences of "[verb] you at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was a pleasure to meet you at the Scottish Taxi Federation exhibition at Riccarton last week .
2 As well as receiving your letters , we like to meet you at the Royal Show , reader workshops and garden visits .
3 Er a similar cautious approach which none of them took yesterday when on examination it was found that there was more potential there than before , erm so to help with the figures I have found very helpful erm appendix eight to the er York City Council erm statement , I think it appears in both of their statements appendix eight Greater York housing provision sorry , could could I also direct you at the same time to the County Council 's N Y five appendix three now the , the two make interesting comparisons because they both start of with the same H one proposal of nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , and I 'll remind you there , sir , that only five thousand seven hundred of those are required by the existing population , four thousand of those are for migrants , and the two schedules go of in slightly different directions under the heading of completions , and the reason for that , sir , is that the the Greater York , the er County Council 's figures , as you can see were computed in October nineteen ninety two when only seven hundred dwellings had been completed , yet six months later , under item C for the Greater York er housing provision figure , York Ci York City Council figures , the completions were one thousand and sixty three .
4 They ca n't gazump you at the last minute cos it makes
5 So that 's se and I want you at the other end .
6 If I forgive you for being male and cruel and unreasonable , you must forgive me for being female and for carrying another man 's child and wanting you at the same time .
7 All the other times were just a way of reminding myself of the realities and provoking you at the same time .
8 We hope to see you at the grand final in London .
9 What 's probably happening is that you are trying to tell them you are annoyed but also saying you still want them to like you at the same time .
10 Now this er of course was railway waggons and er when you started work you was put with a skilled man and i er it was his job to repair the waggons and teach you at the same time .
11 Although a car is really necessary to make the most of your stay , your hosts will meet you at the nearest railway stations and airports .
12 ‘ I 'll meet you at the National Gallery at ten o'clock . ’
13 A spectacular display of exotic and native creatures awaits you at The Living World , where according to season , fascinating living exhibits include giant silkmoths , tropical butterflies , praying mantids , tarantulas , bees , marine and fresh water aquaria and much more .
14 both , really I think they both hit you at the same time
15 ’ Actually I saw you at the Central Conference last month . ’
16 Where they come into their own , is let's say that you wanted to phone me in July because my wedding anniversary is in July , you could turn to the back of the July calendar card , write down call Ricky Elliot on the seventh , because it 's his wedding anniversary , erm , and write down my , my telephone number and then distressing though I find this idea , you could forget the whole thing , confident in the knowledge that the system will remind you at the appropriate time as to what action you should take .
17 Too close and you get swept over the edge except that they usually have some sort of wire-mesh barrier to stop you at the last moment .
18 It 's a simple strategy ; score a goal at one end and hope Big Tommy saves you at the other end .
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