Example sentences of "[verb] this [noun] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although I shall cricitize this theory of responsibility below , we should next complete this outline of choice theories by examining how they deal with the question of what kinds of obligation should the state enforce .
2 ‘ It is important to tell people that there is a cost in administering this sort of thing well .
3 ‘ It is important to tell people that there is a cost in administering this sort of thing well .
4 CPRW 's National Executive Committee agreed this course of action yesterday , following a request from the Friends of Cardigan Bay that CPRW join them in calling for a suspension of the 14th Round of Oil/Gas Licensing ( 1 ) .
5 Seen from a purely theoretical standpoint , the leap of faith which produces this kind of doubt completely bypasses the question of truth .
6 It would be a good idea to develop a formula for using this kind of programme so that you know precisely what kind of item you are looking for and , if you can arrange for a regular supply , you do n't need to spend a lot of time viewing it to work out how you are going to use it .
7 went down to like this kind of stuff here .
8 The troubles of the spirit are not always translated into the grosser medium of the flesh , but if I could not make this transfer with Miller then there would be no point in making him ill in the first place .
9 The impending characterisation of a melanoma related tumour suppressor gene from human chromosome 9 should make this type of approach even more useful .
10 We did make we did make this point to Keith actually very very clearly ,
11 Be sure to scatter this kind of food thinly in the places where these species normally forage — a heap of cheese in the middle of the lawn will just attract the attentions of your local starlings .
12 Serve with hot Ciabatta bread ( you get this in most supermarkets ) — ideally , you eat this salad with friends so that you will not feel too inhibited to mop up the delicious dressing with your bread !
13 Even the small amount of data on tables 6.4 and 6.5 suggests that variants are partly , but not wholly , phonetically conditioned ; in fact the method described here is designed to accommodate this aspect of variation also .
14 The fact that everyone was waving tiny American flags made this spectacle of labour all the more bizarre .
15 Caretaker wondered if there was something in the syntax of the Welsh language which made this sort of construction more acceptable in Welsh than it was in English .
16 He said : ‘ We are seeing this sort of thing more and more often . ’
17 Two features of the present cultural climate make this element of conviction all the more necessary .
18 Privacy , relatively low costs , expert adjudicators , quick and relatively informal proceedings all make this form of determination quite attractive .
19 authority will have the clout to pull this sort of thing together but again , we are debating regional government , and we are n't debating unitary authorities .
20 That Conservatives have been keen to sustain this argument should have sounded alarm bells for scholars of Conservatism , but the only alarming thing has been a tendency to accept this concept of Conservatism almost at face value .
21 Hypocrisy entered this pattern of behaviour only in so far as the bourgeois women were supposed to remain entirely outside the game , and therefore in ignorance of what the men , and women other than themselves , were up to .
22 Indeed , some of the features which suggest this string of connections also lead one to a second , main sequence of saltires — a sequence which has many traits in common with each of the pavements so far discussed , and which puts the development of this integral group into perspective .
23 When I tried this sort of stuff before , I had one flight in a sort of plywood packing-case painted the colour of the blue stuff they used to paint on your balls when you got crabs and spent the rest of the day hanging around with a pack of strangle-voiced bores in bobble hats .
24 Going back to the apparent contradiction between this chapter and chapter 1 , we must consider this question of diachronism more carefully .
25 The footings need to be raised so they can guarantee this sort of thing never happens again , ’ said the father of four .
26 But the conventions surrounding the drama itself usually go some way to counter this kind of misapprehension even in mediaeval times .
27 And this is the sort of thing that he says , and he says this kind of thing very frequently .
28 Have you done this kind of work before ?
29 Both Leila and I have done this kind of thing before .
30 ‘ Have you done this kind of thing before ? ’
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